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TMP451 Datasheet(PDF) 22 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TMP451
Description  짹1째C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with 管-Factor and Offset Correction
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Manufacturer  TI [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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TMP451 Datasheet(HTML) 22 Page - Texas Instruments

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background image
Ground or V+ layer
on bottom and/or
top, if possible.
SBOS686 – JUNE 2013
temperature that the TMP451 is measuring. Additionally, the internal power dissipation of the TMP451 can cause
the temperature to rise above the ambient or PCB temperature. The internal power dissipated as a result of
exciting the remote temperature sensor is negligible because of the small currents used. For a 3.3-V supply and
maximum conversion rate of 16 conversions per second, the TMP451 dissipate 0.54 mW (PDIQ = 3.3 V × 165
μA). A θJA of 171.3°C/W causes the junction temperature to rise approximately +0.09°C above the ambient.
Remote temperature sensing on the TMP451 measures very small voltages using very low currents; therefore,
noise at the device inputs must be minimized. Most applications using the TMP451 have high digital content, with
several clocks and logic level transitions creating a noisy environment. Layout should adhere to the following
1. Place the TMP451 as close to the remote junction sensor as possible.
2. Route the D+ and D– traces next to each other and shield them from adjacent signals through the use of
ground guard traces; see Figure 19. If a multilayer PCB is used, bury these traces between ground or V+
planes to shield them from extrinsic noise sources. 5 mil (0.127 mm) PCB traces are recommended.
3. Minimize additional thermocouple junctions caused by copper-to-solder connections. If these junctions are
used, make the same number and approximate locations of copper-to-solder connections in both the D+ and
D– connections to cancel any thermocouple effects.
4. Use a 0.1
μF local bypass capacitor directly between the V+ and GND of the TMP451. For optimum
measurement performance, minimize filter capacitance between D+ and D– to 1000 pF or less . This
capacitance includes any cable capacitance between the remote temperature sensor and the TMP451.
5. If the connection between the remote temperature sensor and the TMP451 is less than 8 in (20.32 cm) long,
use a twisted-wire pair connection. For lengths greater than 8 in, use a twisted, shielded pair with the shield
grounded as close to the TMP451 as possible. Leave the remote sensor connection end of the shield wire
open to avoid ground loops and 60-Hz pickup.
6. Thoroughly clean and remove all flux residue in and around the pins of the TMP451 to avoid temperature
offset readings as a result of leakage paths between D+ and GND, or between D+ and V+.
NOTE: Use minimum 5 mil (0.127 mm) traces with 5 mil spacing.
Figure 19. Suggested PCB Layer Cross-Section
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Copyright © 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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