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TPS65320QPWPRQ1 Datasheet(PDF) 26 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPS65320QPWPRQ1
Description  40-V Step-Down Converter With Eco-mode??Codec and LDO Regulator
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Manufacturer  TI [Texas Instruments]
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TPS65320QPWPRQ1 Datasheet(HTML) 26 Page - Texas Instruments

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Power Dissipation
Switch-Mode Power-Supply Losses:
The power dissipation losses are applicable for continuous-conduction-mode (CCM) operation
2 × r
DS(on) × (VO / VI) (Conduction losses)
PSW = ½ × VI × IO × (tr + tf) × fSW (Switching losses)
PGate = Vdrive × Qg × ƒsw (Gate drive losses)
Where typically: Qg = 1 × 10
–9 (nC)
PIC = VI × Iq-normal (Supply losses)
PTotal = PCON + PSW + PGate + PLDO + PIC
VO = VREG = Output voltage
VI = Input voltage
IO = Output current
tr = FET switching rise time (tr maximum = 20 ns)
tf = FET switching fall time (tf maximum = 20 ns)
Vdrive = FET gate-drive voltage (typically Vdrive = 6 V)
ƒSW = Switching frequency
Linear Regulator:
PLDO = (Vbuck – VLDO) × IO
For a given operating ambient temperature TAmb
TJ = TAmb + Rth × PTotal
For a given maximum junction temperature TJ-Max = 150°C
TAmb-Max = TJ-Max -Rth × PTotal
PTotal = Total power dissipation (W)
TAmb = Ambient temperature in °C
TJ = Junction temperature in °C
TAmb-Max = Maximum ambient temperature in °C
TJ-Max = Maximum junction temperature in °C
Rth = Thermal resistance of package in (°C/W)
Other factors NOT included in the foregoing information which affect the overall efficiency and power losses are:
Inductor ac and dc losses
Trace resistance and losses associated with the copper trace routing connection
Schottky diode
PCB Layout
TI recommends the following guidelines for PCB layout of the TPS65320-Q1 device.
Inductor L
Use a low-EMI inductor with a ferrite-type shielded core. One can use other types of inductors; however, they
must have low-EMI characteristics and be located away from the low-power traces and components in the circuit.
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Copyright © 2012–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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