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TPS65320QPWPRQ1 Datasheet(PDF) 22 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPS65320QPWPRQ1
Description  40-V Step-Down Converter With Eco-mode??Codec and LDO Regulator
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TPS65320QPWPRQ1 Datasheet(HTML) 22 Page - Texas Instruments

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L peak
Output Capacitor
There are three primary considerations for selecting the value of the output capacitor. The output capacitor
determines the modulator pole, the output ripple voltage, and how the regulator responds to a large change in
load current. Select the output capacitance based on the most stringent of these three criteria. The desired
response to a large change in the load current is the first criterion. The output capacitor must supply the load
with current when the regulator cannot. This situation occurs if there are desired hold-up times for the regulator
where the output capacitor must hold the output voltage above a certain level for a specified amount of time after
removal of the input power. The regulator is also temporarily not able to supply sufficient output current if there is
a large and fast increase in the current needs of the load, such as transitioning from no load to a full load. The
regulator usually needs two or more clock cycles for the control loop to see the change in load current and output
voltage and adjust the duty cycle to react to the change. Size the output capacitor to supply the extra current to
the load until the control loop responds to the load change. The output capacitance must be large enough to
supply the difference in current for two clock cycles while only allowing a tolerable amount of droop in the output
voltage. Equation 24 shows the minimum output capacitance necessary to accomplish this.
ΔIOUT is the change in output current, ƒsw is the switching frequency of the regulators, and ΔVOUT is the
allowable change in the output voltage. For this example, the specified transient load response is a 3% change in
VOUT for a load step from 0.01 A to 0.8 A (full load). For this example, ΔIOUT = 0.8 – 0.01 = 0.79 A and ΔVOUT =
0.03 × 5 = 0.15 V. Using these numbers gives a minimum capacitance of 4.7 µF. This value does not take the
ESR of the output capacitor into account in the output voltage change. For ceramic capacitors, the ESR is
usually small enough to ignore in this calculation. Aluminum electrolytic and tantalum capacitors have higher
ESR that one should take into account.
The catch diode of the regulator cannot sink current, so any stored energy in the inductor produces an output-
voltage overshoot when the load current rapidly decreases. Also, size the output capacitor to absorb the energy
stored in the inductor when transitioning from a high load current to a lower load current. The excess energy that
gets stored in the output capacitor increases the voltage on the capacitor. Size the capacitor to maintain the
desired output voltage during these transient periods. Use Equation 25 to calculate the minimum capacitance to
keep the output voltage overshoot to a desired value, where L is the value of the inductor, IOH is the output
current under heavy load, IOL is the output under light load, Vf is the final peak output voltage, and Vi is the initial
capacitor voltage. For this example, the worst-case load step is from 3 A to 0.01 A. The output voltage increases
during this load transition, and the stated maximum in our specification is 3% of the output voltage. This makes
Vf = 1.03 × 5 = 5.15. Vi is the initial capacitor voltage, which is the nominal output voltage of 5 V. Using these
numbers in Equation 25 yields a minimum capacitance of 13 µF.
Equation 26 calculates the minimum output capacitance needed to meet the output ripple-voltage specification,
where ƒsw is the switching frequency, Vo_ripple is the maximum allowable output ripple voltage, and IL_ripple is the
inductor ripple current. Equation 26 yields 0.8 µF.
Equation 27 calculates the maximum ESR an output capacitor can have to meet the output ripple-voltage
specification. Equation 27 indicates the ESR should be less than 70 m
The most stringent criterion for the output capacitor is 13 µF of capacitance to keep the output voltage in
regulation during a load transient.
Factor in additional capacitance deratings for aging, temperature, and dc bias, increasing this minimum value.
For this example, two 22-µF, 10-V ceramic capacitors with 3 m
Ω of ESR are used. Capacitors generally have
limits to the amount of ripple current they can handle without failing or producing excess heat. Specify an output
capacitor that can support the inductor ripple current. Some capacitor data sheets specify the root mean square
(rms) value of the maximum ripple current. One can useEquation 28 to calculate the rms ripple current that the
output capacitor must support. For this application, Equation 28 yields 205 mA.
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Copyright © 2012–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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