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W9751G6KB-25 Datasheet(PDF) 26 Page - Winbond |
W9751G6KB-25 Datasheet(HTML) 26 Page - Winbond |
26 / 87 page W9751G6KB Publication Release Date: Sep. 03, 2012 - 26 - Revision A04 8.4.5 Write data mask One write data mask (DM) pin for each 8 data bits (DQ) will be supported on DDR2 SDRAM, consistent with the implementation on DDR1 SDRAM. It has identical timings on write operations as the data bits, and though used in a unidirectional manner, is internally loaded identically to data bits to insure matched system timing. DM is not used during read cycles. (Example timing waveform refer to 11.14 Write operation with Data Mask diagram in Chapter 11) 8.5 Burst Interrupt Read or Write burst interruption is prohibited for burst length of 4 and only allowed for burst length of 8 under the following conditions: 1. Read burst of 8 can only be interrupted by another Read command. Read burst interruption by Write or Precharge Command is prohibited. 2. Write burst of 8 can only be interrupted by another Write command. Write burst interruption by Read or Precharge Command is prohibited. 3. Read burst interrupt must occur exactly two clocks after the previous Read command. Any other Read burst interrupt timings are prohibited. 4. Write burst interrupt must occur exactly two clocks after the previous Write command. Any other Write burst interrupt timings are prohibited. 5. Read or Write burst interruption is allowed to any bank inside the DDR2 SDRAM. 6. Read or Write burst with Auto-precharge enabled is not allowed to interrupt. 7. Read burst interruption is allowed by a Read with Auto-precharge command. 8. Write burst interruption is allowed by a Write with Auto-precharge command. 9. All command timings are referenced to burst length set in the mode register. They are not referenced to the actual burst. For example below: Minimum Read to Precharge timing is AL + BL/2 where BL is the burst length set in the mode register and not the actual burst (which is shorter because of interrupt). Minimum Write to Precharge timing is WL + BL/ 2 + tWR, where tWR starts with the rising clock after the un-interrupted burst end and not from the end of the actual burst end. (Example timing waveforms refer to 11.12 and 11.13 Burst read and write interrupt timing diagram in Chapter 11) |
Similar Part No. - W9751G6KB-25 |
Similar Description - W9751G6KB-25 |
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