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EFM32WG980 Datasheet(PDF) 77 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

Part # EFM32WG980
Description  The EFM32 MCUs are the world?셲 most energy friendly microcontrollers.
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...the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers
2013-05-06 - EFM32WG980FXX - d0202_Rev1.10
List of Figures
2.1. Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. EFM32WG980 Memory Map with largest RAM and Flash sizes ....................................................................... 9
3.1. EM0 Current consumption while executing prime number calculation code from flash with HFXO running at 48MHz
................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2. EM0 Current consumption while executing prime number calculation code from flash with HFRCO running at
28MHz ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3. EM0 Current consumption while executing prime number calculation code from flash with HFRCO running at
21MHz ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4. EM0 Current consumption while executing prime number calculation code from flash with HFRCO running at
14MHz ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.5. EM0 Current consumption while executing prime number calculation code from flash with HFRCO running at
11MHz ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.6. EM0 Current consumption while executing prime number calculation code from flash with HFRCO running at
7MHz ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.7. EM1 Current consumption with all peripheral clocks disabled and HFXO running at 48MHz ................................. 16
3.8. EM1 Current consumption with all peripheral clocks disabled and HFRCO running at 28MHz ............................... 16
3.9. EM1 Current consumption with all peripheral clocks disabled and HFRCO running at 21MHz ............................... 17
3.10. EM1 Current consumption with all peripheral clocks disabled and HFRCO running at 14MHz ............................. 17
3.11. EM1 Current consumption with all peripheral clocks disabled and HFRCO running at 11MHz ............................. 18
3.12. EM1 Current consumption with all peripheral clocks disabled and HFRCO running at 7MHz ............................... 18
3.13. EM2 current consumption. RTC prescaled to 1kHz, 32 kHz LFRCO. ............................................................. 19
3.14. EM3 current consumption. ................................................................................................................... 19
3.15. EM4 current consumption. ................................................................................................................... 20
3.16. Typical Low-Level Output Current, 2V Supply Voltage ................................................................................ 24
3.17. Typical High-Level Output Current, 2V Supply Voltage ................................................................................ 25
3.18. Typical Low-Level Output Current, 3V Supply Voltage ................................................................................ 26
3.19. Typical High-Level Output Current, 3V Supply Voltage ................................................................................ 27
3.20. Typical Low-Level Output Current, 3.8V Supply Voltage .............................................................................. 28
3.21. Typical High-Level Output Current, 3.8V Supply Voltage ............................................................................. 29
3.22. Minimum Load Capacitance (CLFXOL) Requirement For Safe Crystal Startup ................................................... 30
3.23. Calibrated LFRCO Frequency vs Temperature and Supply Voltage .............................................................. 32
3.24. Calibrated HFRCO 11 MHz Band Frequency vs Temperature and Supply Voltage ........................................... 33
3.25. Calibrated HFRCO 14 MHz Band Frequency vs Temperature and Supply Voltage ........................................... 33
3.26. Calibrated HFRCO 21 MHz Band Frequency vs Temperature and Supply Voltage ........................................... 33
3.27. Calibrated HFRCO 28 MHz Band Frequency vs Temperature and Supply Voltage ........................................... 34
3.28. Integral Non-Linearity (INL) ................................................................................................................... 38
3.29. Differential Non-Linearity (DNL) .............................................................................................................. 39
3.30. ADC Frequency Spectrum, Vdd = 3V, Temp = 25° ................................................................................... 40
3.31. ADC Integral Linearity Error vs Code, Vdd = 3V, Temp = 25° ..................................................................... 41
3.32. ADC Differential Linearity Error vs Code, Vdd = 3V, Temp = 25° ................................................................. 42
3.33. ADC Absolute Offset, Common Mode = Vdd /2 ........................................................................................ 43
3.34. ADC Dynamic Performance vs Temperature for all ADC References, Vdd = 3V .............................................. 43
3.35. ADC Temperature sensor readout ......................................................................................................... 44
3.36. OPAMP Common Mode Rejection Ratio ................................................................................................. 47
3.37. OPAMP Positive Power Supply Rejection Ratio ........................................................................................ 47
3.38. OPAMP Negative Power Supply Rejection Ratio ...................................................................................... 48
3.39. OPAMP Voltage Noise Spectral Density (Unity Gain) Vout=1V ..................................................................... 48
3.40. OPAMP Voltage Noise Spectral Density (Non-Unity Gain) .......................................................................... 48
3.41. Typical ACMP Characteristics ............................................................................................................... 50
4.1. EFM32WG980 Pinout (top view, not to scale) ............................................................................................. 54
4.2. Opamp Pinout ...................................................................................................................................... 66
4.3. LQFP100 ............................................................................................................................................. 67
5.1. LQFP100 PCB Land Pattern ................................................................................................................... 69
5.2. LQFP100 PCB Solder Mask .................................................................................................................... 70
5.3. LQFP100 PCB Stencil Design ................................................................................................................. 71
6.1. Example Chip Marking ........................................................................................................................... 72

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