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EFM32WG980 Datasheet(PDF) 64 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
EFM32WG980 Datasheet(HTML) 64 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
64 / 80 page Preliminary ...the world's most energy friendly microcontrollers 2013-05-06 - EFM32WG980FXX - d0202_Rev1.10 64 www.energymicro.com Alternate LOCATION Functionality 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description LES_CH1 PC1 LESENSE channel 1. LES_CH2 PC2 LESENSE channel 2. LES_CH3 PC3 LESENSE channel 3. LES_CH4 PC4 LESENSE channel 4. LES_CH5 PC5 LESENSE channel 5. LES_CH6 PC6 LESENSE channel 6. LES_CH7 PC7 LESENSE channel 7. LES_CH8 PC8 LESENSE channel 8. LES_CH9 PC9 LESENSE channel 9. LES_CH10 PC10 LESENSE channel 10. LES_CH11 PC11 LESENSE channel 11. LETIM0_OUT0 PD6 PB11 PF0 PC4 Low Energy Timer LETIM0, output channel 0. LETIM0_OUT1 PD7 PB12 PF1 PC5 Low Energy Timer LETIM0, output channel 1. LEU0_RX PD5 PB14 PE15 PF1 PA0 LEUART0 Receive input. LEU0_TX PD4 PB13 PE14 PF0 PF2 LEUART0 Transmit output. Also used as receive input in half duplex communication. LEU1_RX PC7 PA6 LEUART1 Receive input. LEU1_TX PC6 PA5 LEUART1 Transmit output. Also used as receive input in half duplex communication. LFXTAL_N PB8 Low Frequency Crystal (typically 32.768 kHz) negative pin. Also used as an optional external clock input pin. LFXTAL_P PB7 Low Frequency Crystal (typically 32.768 kHz) positive pin. PCNT0_S0IN PE0 PC0 PD6 Pulse Counter PCNT0 input number 0. PCNT0_S1IN PE1 PC1 PD7 Pulse Counter PCNT0 input number 1. PCNT1_S0IN PC4 PB3 Pulse Counter PCNT1 input number 0. PCNT1_S1IN PC5 PB4 Pulse Counter PCNT1 input number 1. PCNT2_S0IN PD0 PE8 Pulse Counter PCNT2 input number 0. PCNT2_S1IN PD1 PE9 Pulse Counter PCNT2 input number 1. PRS_CH0 PA0 Peripheral Reflex System PRS, channel 0. PRS_CH1 PA1 Peripheral Reflex System PRS, channel 1. PRS_CH2 PC0 PF5 Peripheral Reflex System PRS, channel 2. PRS_CH3 PC1 PE8 Peripheral Reflex System PRS, channel 3. TIM0_CC0 PA0 PA0 PF6 PD1 PA0 PF0 Timer 0 Capture Compare input / output channel 0. TIM0_CC1 PA1 PA1 PF7 PD2 PC0 PF1 Timer 0 Capture Compare input / output channel 1. TIM0_CC2 PA2 PA2 PF8 PD3 PC1 PF2 Timer 0 Capture Compare input / output channel 2. TIM0_CDTI0 PA3 PC2 Timer 0 Complimentary Deat Time Insertion channel 0. TIM0_CDTI1 PA4 PC3 Timer 0 Complimentary Deat Time Insertion channel 1. TIM0_CDTI2 PA5 PF5 PC4 PF5 Timer 0 Complimentary Deat Time Insertion channel 2. TIM1_CC0 PE10 PB0 PB7 PD6 Timer 1 Capture Compare input / output channel 0. TIM1_CC1 PE11 PB1 PB8 PD7 Timer 1 Capture Compare input / output channel 1. TIM1_CC2 PE12 PB2 PB11 Timer 1 Capture Compare input / output channel 2. TIM2_CC0 PA8 PA12 PC8 Timer 2 Capture Compare input / output channel 0. TIM2_CC1 PA9 PA13 PC9 Timer 2 Capture Compare input / output channel 1. |
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