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S29AL016J70TFI020 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - SPANSION

Part # S29AL016J70TFI020
Description  CMOS 3.0 Volt-only Boot Sector Flash Memory
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S29AL016J_00_12 April 12, 2012
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Secured Silicon Sector Flash Memory Region
The Secured Silicon Sector feature provides a 256-byte Flash memory region that enables permanent part
identification through an Electronic Serial Number (ESN). The Secured Silicon Sector uses a Secured Silicon
Sector Indicator Bit (DQ7) to indicate whether or not the Secured Silicon Sector is locked when shipped from
the factory. This bit is permanently set at the factory and cannot be changed, which prevents cloning of a
factory-locked part. This ensures the security of the ESN once the product is shipped to the field.
Spansion offers the device with the Secured Silicon Sector either factory-locked or customer-lockable. The
factory-locked version is always protected when shipped from the factory, and has the Secured Silicon Sector
Indicator Bit permanently set to a 1. The customer-lockable version is shipped with the Secured Silicon
Sector unprotected, allowing customers to utilize the that sector in any manner they choose. The customer-
lockable version has the Secured Silicon Sector Indicator Bit permanently set to a 0. Thus, the Secured
Silicon Sector Indicator Bit prevents customer-lockable devices from being used to replace devices that are
factory locked.
The system accesses the Secured Silicon Sector through a command sequence (see Enter/Exit Secured
Silicon Sector Command Sequence on page 30). After the system writes the Enter Secured Silicon Sector
command sequence, it may read the Secured Silicon Sector by using the addresses normally occupied by the
boot sectors. This mode of operation continues until the system issues the Exit Secured Silicon Sector
command sequence, or until power is removed from the device. On power-up, or following a hardware reset,
the device reverts to sending commands to the boot sectors.
Factory Locked: Secured Silicon Sector Programmed
and Protected at the Factory
In a factory locked device, the Secured Silicon Sector is protected when the device is shipped from the
factory. The Secured Silicon Sector cannot be modified in any way. The device is available pre-programmed
with one of the following:
 A random, secure ESN only.
 Customer code through the ExpressFlash service.
 Both a random, secure ESN and customer code through the ExpressFlash service.
In devices that have an ESN, a Bottom Boot device has the 16-byte (8-word) ESN in sector 0 at addresses
00000h–0000Fh in byte mode (or 00000h–00007h in word mode). In the Top Boot device, the ESN is in
sector 34 at addresses 1FFFF0h–1FFFFFh in byte mode (or FFFF8h–FFFFFh in word mode).
Customers may opt to have their code programmed by Spansion through the Spansion ExpressFlash
service. Spansion programs the customer’s code, with or without the random ESN. The devices are then
shipped from the Spansion factory with the Secured Silicon Sector permanently locked. Contact a Spansion
representative for details on using the Spansion ExpressFlash service.
Customer Lockable: Secured Silicon Sector NOT Programmed
or Protected at the Factory
The customer lockable version allows the Secured Silicon Sector to be programmed once, and then
permanently locked after it ships from Spansion. Note that the unlock bypass functions is not available when
programming the Secured Silicon Sector.
The Secured Silicon Sector area can be protected using the following procedures:
 Write the three-cycle Enter Secured Silicon Region command sequence, and then follow the in-system
sector group protect algorithm as shown in Figure 7.2 on page 23, substituting the sector group address
with the Secured Silicon Sector group address (A0=0, A1=1, A2=0, A3=1, A4=1, A5=0, A6=0, A7=0). Note
that this method is only applicable to the Secured Silicon Sector.
 To verify the protect/unprotect status of the Secured Silicon Sector, follow the algorithm shown in Figure
8.1 on page 25.
Once the Secured Silicon Sector is locked and verified, the system must write the Exit Secured Silicon Sector
Region command sequence to return to reading and writing the remainder of the array.

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