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S29AL016J70TFI020 Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - SPANSION

Part # S29AL016J70TFI020
Description  CMOS 3.0 Volt-only Boot Sector Flash Memory
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S29AL016J_00_12 April 12, 2012
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on the device address inputs produce valid data on the device data outputs. The device remains enabled for
read access until the command register contents are altered.
See Reading Array Data on page 29 for more information. Refer to the AC Read Operations on page 43 for
timing specifications and to Figure 17.1 on page 43 for the timing diagram. ICC1 in DC Characteristics
on page 41 represents the active current specification for reading array data.
Writing Commands/Command Sequences
To write a command or command sequence (which includes programming data to the device and erasing
sectors of memory), the system must drive WE# and CE# to VIL, and OE# to VIH.
For program operations, the BYTE# pin determines whether the device accepts program data in bytes or
words. See Word/Byte Configuration on page 15 for more information.
The device features an Unlock Bypass mode to facilitate faster programming. Once the device enters the
Unlock Bypass mode, only two write cycles are required to program a word or byte, instead of four. Word/
Byte Program Command Sequence on page 30 has details on programming data to the device using both
standard and Unlock Bypass command sequences.
An erase operation can erase one sector, multiple sectors, or the entire device. Table 7.2 on page 18 and
Table 7.4 on page 19 indicate the address space that each sector occupies. A “sector address” consists of
the address bits required to uniquely select a sector. The Command Definitions on page 29 has details on
erasing a sector or the entire chip, or suspending/resuming the erase operation.
After the system writes the autoselect command sequence, the device enters the autoselect mode. The
system can then read autoselect codes from the internal register (which is separate from the memory array)
on DQ7–DQ0. Standard read cycle timings apply in this mode. Refer to Autoselect Mode on page 20 and
Autoselect Command Sequence on page 29 for more information.
ICC2 in DC Characteristics on page 41 represents the active current specification for the write mode. AC
Characteristics on page 43 contains timing specification tables and timing diagrams for write operations.
Program and Erase Operation Status
During an erase or program operation, the system may check the status of the operation by reading the
status bits on DQ7–DQ0. Standard read cycle timings and ICC read specifications apply. Refer to Write
Operation Status on page 35 for more information, and to AC Characteristics on page 43 for timing diagrams.
Standby Mode
When the system is not reading or writing to the device, it can place the device in the standby mode. In this
mode, current consumption is greatly reduced, and the outputs are placed in the high impedance state,
independent of the OE# input.
The device enters the CMOS standby mode when the CE# and RESET# pins are both held at VCC ± 0.3 V.
(Note that this is a more restricted voltage range than VIH.) If CE# and RESET# are held at VIH, but not within
VCC ± 0.3 V, the device will be in the standby mode, but the standby current will be greater. The device
requires standard access time (tCE) for read access when the device is in either of these standby modes,
before it is ready to read data.
If the device is deselected during erasure or programming, the device draws active current until the operation
is completed.
ICC3 and ICC4 represents the standby current specification shown in the table in DC Characteristics
on page 41.

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