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AB28F800B5T80 Datasheet(PDF) 38 Page - Intel Corporation |
AB28F800B5T80 Datasheet(HTML) 38 Page - Intel Corporation |
38 / 44 page 28F200B5, 28F004/400B5, 28F800B5 E 38 PRELIMINARY 5.10 AC Characteristics—Write Operations—Commercial and Extended Temperature Comm Extended # Sym Parameter Note Min Max Min Max Unit W1 tPHWL (tPHEL) RP# High Recovery to WE# (CE#) Going Low 450 450 ns W2 tELWL (tWLEL) CE# (WE#) Setup to WE# (CE#) Going Low 00 ns W3 tWP Write Pulse Width 9 50 60 ns W4 tDVWH (tDVEH) Data Setup to WE# (CE#) Going High 4 50 60 ns W5 tAVWH (tAVEH) Address Setup to WE# (CE#) Going High 3 50 60 ns W6 tWHEH (tEHWH) CE# (WE#) Hold from WE# (CE#) High 0 0 ns W7 tWHDX (tEHDX) Data Hold from WE# (CE#) High 4 0 0 ns W8 tWHAX (tEHAX) Address Hold from WE# (CE#) High 3 0 0 ns W9 tWPH Write Pulse Width High VCC = 5 V ± 5% 10 10 ns VCC = 5 V ± 10% 20 20 ns W10 tPHHWH (tPHHEH) RP# VHH Setup to WE# (CE#) Going High 6,8 100 100 ns W11 tVPWH (tVPEH)VPP Setup to WE# (CE#) Going High 5,8 100 100 ns W12 tQVPH RP# VHH Hold from Valid SRD 6,8 0 0 ns W13 tQVVL VPP Hold from Valid SRD 5,8 0 0 ns W14 tPHBR Boot Block Lock Delay 7,8 100 100 ns NOTES: 1. Read timing characteristics during program and erase operations are the same as during read-only operations. Refer to AC Characteristics—Read-Only Operations. 2. The on-chip WSM completely automates program/erase operations; program/erase algorithms are now controlled internally which includes verify operations. 3. Refer to command definition table for valid A IN. (Table 7) 4. Refer to command definition table for valid D IN. (Table 7) 5. Program/erase durations are measured to valid SRD data (successful operation, SR.7 = 1). 6. For boot block program/erase, RP# should be held at V HH or WP# should be held at VIH until operation completes successfully. 7. Time t PHBR is required for successful locking of the boot block. 8. Sampled, but not 100% tested. 9. Write pulse width (tWP) is defined from CE# or WE# going low (whichever goes low last) to CE# or WE# going high (whichever goes high first). Hence, tWP = tWLWH = tELEH = tWLEH = tELWH. 10. Write pulse width high (tWPH) is defined from CE# or WE# going high (whichever goes high first)to CE# or WE# going low (whichever goes low first). Hence, tWPH = tWHWL = tEHEL = tWHEL = tEHWL. |
Similar Part No. - AB28F800B5T80 |
Similar Description - AB28F800B5T80 |
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