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RC1585M Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
RC1585M Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
7 / 12 page PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC1585 7 Thermal Considerations The RC1585 series protect themselves under overload conditions with internal power and thermal limiting circuitry. However, for normal continuous load conditions, do not exceed maximum junction temperature ratings. It is important to consider all sources of thermal resistance from junction-to- ambient. These sources include the junction-to-case resistance, the case-to-heat sink interface resistance, and the heat sink resistance. Thermal resistance specifications have been developed to more accurately reflect device temperature and ensure safe operating temperatures. The electrical characteristics section provides a separate thermal resistance and maximum junction temperature for both the control circuitry and the power transistor. Calculate the maximum junction temperature for both sections to ensure that both thermal limits are met. For example, look at using an RC1585T to generate 5A @ 1.5V ± 2% from a 3.3V source (3.2V to 3.6V). Load Regulation It is not possible to provide true remote load sensing because the RC1585 series are three-terminal devices. Load regulation is limited by the resistance of the wire connecting the regulators to the load. Load regulation per the data sheet specification is measured at the bottom of the package. For fixed voltage devices, negative side sensing is a true Kelvin connection with the ground pin of the device returned to the negative side of the load. This is illustrated in Figure 12. For adjustable voltage devices, negative side sensing is a true Kelvin connection with the bottom of the output divider returned to the negative side of the load. The best load regulation is obtained when the top of the resistor divider R1 connects directly to the regulator output and not to the load. Figure 13 illustrates this point. If R1 connects to the load, then the effective resistance between the regulator and the load would be: RP × (1 + R2/R1), RP = Parasitic Line Resistance ∫∫ ∫∫ ∫∫ Figure 13. Connection for Best Load Regulation RP Parasitic Line Resistance VIN R2* R1* RL RC1585 IN OUT ADJ *Connect R1 to case Connect R2 to load VOUT = VREF (1 + R2/R1) + IADJ (R2) VREF IADJ 35 µA C2 22 µF R2 R1 C1 10 µF RC1585 IN OUT ADJ VOUT + + VIN Figure 11. Basic Regulator Circuit RL VIN Figure 12. Connection for Best Load Regulation ∫∫ ∫∫ ∫∫ RC1585 -1.5 IN OUT GND RP Parasitic Line Resistance The connection shown in Figure 13 does not multiply RP by the divider ratio. As an example, RP is about four milliohms per foot with 16-gauge wire. This translates to 4mV per foot at 1A load current. At higher load currents, this drop represents a significant percentage of the overall regulation. It is important to keep the positive lead between the regulator and the load as short as possible and to use large wire or PC board traces. The current out of the adjust pin adds to the current from R1 and is typically 35 µA. Its output voltage contribution is small and only needs consideration when a very precise output voltage setting is required. |
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