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596288565013A Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Analog Devices |
596288565013A Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Analog Devices |
12 / 16 page REV. B OP470 –12– CAPACITIVE LOAD DRIVING AND POWER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS The OP470 is unity-gain stable and is capable of driving large capacitive loads without oscillating. Nonetheless, good supply bypassing is highly recommended. Proper supply bypassing reduces problems caused by supply line noise and improves the capacitive load driving capability of the OP470. In the standard feedback amplifier, the op amp’s output resistance combines with the load capacitance to form a low pass filter that adds phase shift in the feedback network and reduces stability. A simple circuit to eliminate this effect is shown in Figure 11. The added components, C1 and R3, decouple the amplifier from the load capacitance and provide additional stability. The values of C1 and R3 shown in Figure 11 are for a load capaci- tance of up to 1000 pF when used with the OP470. R1 100 * * SEE TEXT R3 50 OP470 C5 0.1 F * C4 10 F + V– VOUT CL 1000pF C1 1000pF R2 VIN PLACE SUPPLY DECOUPLING CAPACITORS AT OP470 C3 0.1 F C2 10 F + V+ Figure 11. Driving Large Capacitive Loads In applications where the OP470’s inverting or noninverting inputs are driven by a low source impedance (under 100 W) or connected to ground, if V+ is applied before V–, or when V is disconnected, excessive parasitic currents will flow. Most applica- tions use dual tracking supplies and with the device supply pins properly bypassed, power-up will not present a problem. A source resistance of at least 100 W in series with all inputs (Figure 11) will limit the parasitic currents to a safe level if V– is discon- nected. It should be noted that any source resistance, even 100 W, adds noise to the circuit. Where noise is required to be kept at a minimum, a germanium or Schottky diode can be used to clamp the V- pin and eliminate the parasitic current flow instead of using series limiting resistors. For most applications, only one diode clamp is required per board or system. UNITY-GAIN BUFFER APPLICATIONS When Rf £ 100 W and the input is driven with a fast, large signal pulse(> 1 V), the output waveform will look as shown in Figure 12. 2V/ s OP470 R1 Figure 12. Pulsed Operation During the fast feedthrough-like portion of the output, the input protection diodes effectively short the output to the input, and a current, limited only by the output short-circuit protection, will be drawn by the signal generator. With Rf £ 500 W, the output is capable of handling the current requirements (IL < 20 mA at 10 V); the amplifier will stay in its active mode and a smooth transition will occur. When Rf > 3 k W, a pole created by Rf and the amplifier’s input capacitance (2 pF) creates additional phase shift and reduces phase margin. A small capacitor (20 pF to 50 pF) in parallel with Rf helps eliminate this problem. APPLICATIONS Low Noise Amplifier A simple method of reducing amplifier noise by paralleling amplifiers is shown in Figure 13. Amplifier noise, depicted in Figure 14, is around 2 nV/ ÷Hz @ 1 kHz (R.T.I.). Gain for each paralleled amplifier and the entire circuit is 1000. The 200 W resistors limit circulating currents and provide an effective out- put resistance of 50 W. The amplifier is stable with a 10 nF capacitive load and can supply up to 30 mA of output drive. R2 50k 1/4 OP470E +15V –15V R3 200 R1 50 VIN R5 50k 1/4 OP470E R6 200 R4 50 R8 50k 1/4 OP470E R9 200 R7 50 R11 50k 1/4 OP470E R12 200 R10 50 VOUT = 1000VIN Figure 13. Low Noise Amplifier |
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