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ADR293GBC Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - Analog Devices |
ADR293GBC Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - Analog Devices |
8 / 11 page ADR293 REV. 0 –8– Device Power Dissipation Considerations The ADR293 is guaranteed to deliver load currents to 5 mA with an input voltage that ranges from 5.5 V to 15 V. When this device is used in applications with large input voltages, care should be exercised to avoid exceeding the published specifica- tions for maximum power dissipation or junction temperature that could result in premature device failure. The following formula should be used to calculate a device’s maximum junc- tion temperature or dissipation: P TT D A A = − J J θ In this equation, TJ and TA are the junction and ambient tem- peratures, respectively, PD is the device power dissipation, and θ JA is the device package thermal resistance. Basic Voltage Reference Connections References, in general, require a bypass capacitor connected from the VOUT pin to the GND pin. The circuit in Figure 19 illustrates the basic configuration for the ADR293. Note that the decoupling capacitors are not required for circuit stability. ADR293 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 NC NC NC NC NC OUTPUT 0.1 F 10 F 0.1 F + INPUT NC = NO CONNECT Figure 19. Basic Voltage Reference Configuration Noise Performance The noise generated by the ADR293 is typically less than 15 µVp-p over the 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz band. The noise measure- ment is made with a bandpass filter made of a 2-pole high-pass filter with a corner frequency at 0.1 Hz and a 2-pole low-pass filter with a corner frequency at 10 Hz. Turn-On Time Upon application of power (cold start), the time required for the output voltage to reach its final value within a specified error band is defined as the turn-on settling time. Two components normally associated with this are; the time for the active circuits to settle, and the time for the thermal gradients on the chip to stabilize. Figure 13 shows the typical turn-on time for the ADR293. THEORY OF OPERATION The ADR293 uses a new reference generation technique known as XFET, which yields a reference with low noise, low supply current and very low thermal hysteresis. The core of the XFET reference consists of two junction field- effect transistors one of which has an extra channel implant to raise its pinch-off voltage. By running the two JFETS at the same drain current, the difference in pinch-off voltage can be amplified and used to form a highly stable voltage reference. The intrinsic reference voltage is around 0.5 V with a negative temperature coefficient of about –120 ppm/K. This slope is essentially locked to the dielectric constant of silicon and can be closely compensated by adding a correction term generated in the same fashion as the proportional-to-temperature (PTAT) term used to compensate bandgap references. The big advan- tage over a bandgap reference is that the intrinsic temperature coefficient is some thirty times lower (therefore less correction is needed) and this results in much lower noise since most of the noise of a bandgap reference comes from the temperature com- pensation circuitry. The simplified schematic below shows the basic topology of the ADR293. The temperature correction term is provided by a current source with value designed to be proportional to abso- lute temperature. The general equation is: VV RR R R IR OUT P PTAT = ++ + ()( ) ∆ 12 3 1 3 where ∆V P is the difference in pinch-off voltage between the two FETs and IPTAT is the positive temperature coefficient correction current. The process used for the XFET reference also features vertical NPN and PNP transistors, the latter of which are used as output devices to provide a very low drop-out voltage. R1 R3 R2 R1 R3 I1 I1 IPTAT VOUT R1 R2 R3 VP *EXTRA CHANNEL IMPLANT * VOUT VP IPTAT GND VIN Figure 18. Simplified Schematic |
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