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AD9051 Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Analog Devices |
AD9051 Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Analog Devices |
9 / 12 page AD9051 –9– REV. A THEORY OF OPERATION Refer to the block diagram on the front page. The AD9051 employs a subranging architecture with digital error correction. This combination of design techniques ensures true 10-bit accuracy at the digital outputs of the converter. At the input, the analog signal is buffered by a high speed differ- ential buffer and applied to a track-and-hold (T/H) that holds the analog value present when the unit is strobed with an ENCODE command. The conversion process begins on the rising edge of this pulse. The two stage architecture completes a coarse and then a fine conversion of the T/H output signal. Error correction and decode logic correct and align data from the two conversions and present the result as a 10-bit parallel digital word. Output data are strobed on the rising edge of the ENCODE command. The subranging architecture results in five pipeline delays for the output data. Refer to the AD9051 Timing Diagram. USING THE AD9051 3 V System The digital input and outputs of the AD9051 can be easily configured to directly interface to 3 V logic systems. The encode input (Pin 13) is TTL compatible with a logic threshold of 1.5 V. This input is actually a CMOS stage (refer to Equivalent Encode Input Stage) with a TTL threshold, allowing operation with TTL, CMOS and 3 V CMOS logic families. Using 3 V CMOS logic allows the user to drive the encode directly without the need to translate to +5 V. This saves the user power and board space. As with all high speed data converters, the clock signal must be clean and jitter free to prevent the degradation of dynamic performance. The AD9051 outputs can also directly interface to 3 V logic systems. The digital outputs are standard CMOS stages (refer to AD9051 Output Stage) with isolated supply pins (Pins 20, 22 VDD). By varying the voltage on the VDD pins, the digital output levels vary respectively. By connecting Pins 20 and 22 to the 3 V logic supply, the AD9051 will supply 3 V output levels. Care should be taken to filter and isolate the output supply of the AD9051 as noise could be coupled into the ADC, limiting performance. Analog Input The analog input of the AD9051 is a differential input buffer (refer to AD9051 Equivalent Analog Input). The differential inputs are internally biased at +2.5 V, obviating the need for external biasing. Excellent performance is achieved whether the analog inputs are driven single-endedly or differentially (for best dynamic performance, impedances at AIN and AINB should match). Figure 21 shows typical connections for the analog inputs when using the AD9051 in a dc coupled system with single-ended signals. All components are powered from a single +5 V supply. The AD820 is used to offset the ground referenced input signal to the level required by the AD9051. AC coupling of the analog inputs of the AD9051 is easily accom- plished. Figure 22 shows capacitive coupling of a single-ended signal while Figure 23 shows transformer coupling differentially into the AD9051. VIN –0.625V TO +0.625V +5V AD9631 140 140 +5V AD9051 9 10 +5V 1k AD820 1k 0.1 F 0.1 F Figure 21. Single Supply, Single-Ended, DC-Coupled AD9051 +5V AD9631 140 140 +5V AD9051 9 10 –5V 0.1 F 0.1 F VIN –0.625V TO +0.625V Figure 22. Single-Ended, Capacitively-Coupled AD9051 +5V +5V 9 10 –5V 0.1 F AD9051 T1-1T 50 VIN –0.625V TO +0.625V AD9631 140 140 Figure 23. Differentially Driven AD9051 Using Trans- former Coupling The AD830 provides a unique method of providing dc level shift for the analog input. Using the AD830 allows a great deal of flexibility for adjusting offset and gain. Figure 24 shows the AD830 configured to drive the AD9051. The offset is provided by the internal biasing of the AD9051 differential input (Pin 9). For more information regarding the AD830, see the AD830 data sheet. 1 2 3 4 AD830 +15V –5V 7 10 9 0.1 F +5V AD9051 VIN –0.625V TO +0.625V Figure 24. Level-Shifting with the AD830 |
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