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AD688 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - Analog Devices |
AD688 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - Analog Devices |
5 / 8 page ![]() AD688 REV. A –5– If further noise reduction is desired, an optional capacitor may be added between the NOISE REDUCTION pin and ground as shown in Figure 2b. This will form a low pass filter with the 5k Ω R B on the output of the Zener cell. A 1 µF capacitor will have a 3 dB point at 32 Hz and will reduce the high frequency noise (to 1 MHz) to about 250 µV p-p. Figure 4 shows the 1 MHz noise of a typical AD688 both with and without a 1 µF capacitor. Figure 4. Effect of 1 µF Noise Reduction Capacitor on Broadband Noise TURN-ON TIME Upon application of power (cold start), the time required for the output voltage to reach its final value within a specified error is the turn-on settling time. Two components normally associated with this are: time for active circuits to settle and time for ther- mal gradients on the chip to stabilize. Figure 5 shows the turn- on characteristics of the AD688. It shows the settling time to be about 600 µs. Note the absence of any thermal tails when the horizontal scale is expanded to 2 ms/cm in Figure 5b. a. Electrical Turn-On b. Extended Time Scale Figure 5. Turn-On Characteristics Output turn-on time is modified when an external noise reduc- tion capacitor is used. When present, this capacitor presents an additional load to the internal Zener diode’s current source, resulting in a somewhat longer turn-on time. In the case of a 1 µF capacitor, the initial turn-on time is approximately 100 ms (see Figure 6). When the NOISE REDUCTION feature is used, a 20 k Ω resistor between Pins 6 and 2 is required for proper startup. Figure 6. Turn-On With 1 µF C N TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE The AD688 is designed for precision reference applications where temperature performance is critical. Extensive tempera- ture testing ensures that the device’s high level of performance is maintained over the operating temperature range. Figure 7 shows the typical output voltage drift for the AD688SQ and illustrates the test methodology. The box in Fig- ure 7 is bounded on the sides by the operating temperature extremes and on top and bottom by the maximum and minimum +10 V output error voltages measured over the operating temperature range. The slopes of the diagonals drawn for both the +10 V and –10 V outputs determine the perform- ance grade of the device. Figure 7. Typical AD688SQ Temperature Drift Each AD688A and B grade unit is tested at –40 °C, –25°C, 0°C, +25 °C, +50°C, +70°C and +85°C. Each AD688S grade unit is tested at –55 °C, –25°C, +25°C, +70°C and +125°C. This approach ensures that the variations of output voltage that occur as the temperature changes within the specified range will be contained within a box whose diagonal has a slope equal to the maximum specified drift. The position of the box on the vertical scale will change from device to device as initial error and the shape of the curve vary. Maximum height of the box for the appropriate temperature range is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8. Maximum +10 V or –10 V Output Change |
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