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AD586LR Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Analog Devices |
AD586LR Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Analog Devices |
6 / 8 page AD586 REV. C –6– Centigrade; i.e., ppm/ °C. However, because of nonlinearities in temperature characteristics which originated in standard Zener references (such as “S” type characteristics), most manufactur- ers have begun to use a maximum limit error band approach to specify devices. This technique involves the measurement of the output at three or more different temperatures to specify an out- put voltage error band. Figure 9 shows the typical output voltage drift for the AD586L and illustrates the test methodology. The box in Figure 9 is bounded on the sides by the operating temperature extremes, and on the top and the bottom by the maximum and minimum output voltages measured over the operating temperature range. The slope of the diagonal drawn from the lower left to the upper right corner of the box determines the performance grade of the device. Figure 9. Typical AD586L Temperature Drift Each AD586J, K and L grade unit is tested at 0 °C, +25°C and +70 °C. Each AD586SQ and TQ grade unit is tested at –55°C, +25 °C and +125°C. This approach ensures that the variations of output voltage that occur as the temperature changes within the specified range will be contained within a box whose diago- nal has a slope equal to the maximum specified drift. The posi- tion of the box on the vertical scale will change from device to device as initial error and the shape of the curve vary. The maxi- mum height of the box for the appropriate temperature range and device grade is shown in Figure 10. Duplication of these results requires a combination of high accuracy and stable tem- perature control in a test system. Evaluation of the AD586 will produce a curve similar to that in Figure 9, but output readings may vary depending on the test methods and equipment utilized. DEVICE MAXIMUM OUTPUT CHANGE GRADE (mV) 0 C TO +70 C –40 C TO +85 C –55 C TO +125 C AD586J 8.75 AD586K 5.25 AD586L 1.75 AD586M 0.70 AD586A 3.12 AD586B 9.37 AD586S 18.00 AD586T 9.00 Figure 10. Maximum Output Change in mV In some applications, a varying load may be both resistive and capacitive in nature, or the load may be connected to the AD586 by a long capacitive cable. Figure 7 displays the output amplifier characteristics driving a 1000 pF, 0 to 10 mA load. Figure 7a. Capacitive Load Transient Response Test Circuit Figure 7b. Output Response with Capacitive Load LOAD REGULATION The AD586 has excellent load regulation characteristics. Figure 8 shows that varying the load several mA changes the output by a few µV. The AD586 has somewhat better load regulation per- formance sourcing current than sinking current. Figure 8. Typical Load Regulation Characteristics TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE The AD586 is designed for precision reference applications where temperature performance is critical. Extensive tempera- ture testing ensures that the device’s high level of performance is maintained over the operating temperature range. Some confusion exists in the area of defining and specifying ref- erence voltage error over temperature. Historically, references have been characterized using a maximum deviation per degree |
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