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AD28MSP02KR Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Analog Devices |
AD28MSP02KR Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Analog Devices |
6 / 20 page ![]() AD28msp02 REV. 0 –6– Gain OG2 OG1 OG0 +6 dB 0 0 0 +3 dB 0 0 1 0 dB 0 1 0 –3 dB 0 1 1 –6 dB 1 0 0 –9 dB 1 0 1 –12 dB 1 1 0 –15 dB 1 1 1 Gain settings are accurate within ±0.6 dB. (Control Register is set to 0x0000 at RESET. Reserved Bits 10–15 must be set to 0 for all Control Register writes.) Table II. Control Word Write Format 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OG2 OG1 OG0 0 PWDD PWDA ADBY DABY IMS IPS Serial Data Output The AD28msp02’s SPORT will begin transmitting data to the host processor at an 8 kHz rate when the PWDD and PWDA bits (Bits 4, 5) of the control register are set to 1. In the pro- gram shown in Figure 6, the instructions AX0 = 0x30; { Write control word to take } TX0 = AX0; { AD28msp02 out of powerdown } accomplish this by writing 0x30 to the AD28msp02’s control register. There is a short start-up time (after the end of this con- trol register write) before the AD28msp02 raises SDOFS and begins transmitting data; see Figure 11. At the 13 MHz MCLK frequency, data is transmitted at an 8 kHz rate with a single 16-bit word transmitted every 125 µs. While data is being output, the AD28msp02 asserts SDOFS at an 8 kHz rate. Each 16-bit word transfer begins one serial clock cycle after SDOFS is asserted. Serial Data Input The host processor must initiate data transfers to the AD28msp02 by asserting the serial data input frame sync (SDIFS) high. The 16-bit word transfer begins one serial clock cycle after SDIFS is asserted. The DATA/CNTRL line must be driven high when SDIFS is driven high. The host processor must assert SDIFS shortly after the rising edge of SCLK and must maintain SDIFS high for one cycle. Data is then driven from the host processor (to the SDI input) shortly after the rising edge of the next SCLK and is clocked into the AD28msp02 on the falling edge of SCLK in that cycle. Each bit of a 16-bit data word is thus clocked into the AD28msp02 on the falling edge of SCLK (MSB first). If SDIFS is asserted high again before the end of the present data word transfer, it is not recognized until the falling edge of SCLK in the last (LSB) cycle. (Note: Exact SPORT timing requirements are defined in the “Specifications” section of this data sheet.) CONTROL REGISTER The AD28msp02’s control register configures the device for various modes of operation including ADC and DAC gain set- tings, ADC input mux selection, filter bypass, and powerdown. The AD28msp02’s host processor can read and write to the control register through the AD28msp02’s serial port (SPORT) by driving the DATA/CNTRL pin low. The control register is cleared (set to 0x0000) when the AD28msp02 is reset. Control Register Writes To write the control register, the host processor must assert DATA/CNTRL low when it asserts SDIFS. If the MSB of the bit stream is also low, the SPORT recognizes the incoming serial data as a new control word and copies it to the AD28msp02’s control register. The format for the control word write is shown in Table II; reserved Bits 10-15 must be set to zero. 0 IPS Analog input preamplifier select: 1 = insert (+20 dB), 0 = bypass (0 dB) 1 IMS Analog input multiplexer select: 1 = AUX input, 0 = NORM input 2 DABY DAC high-pass filter bypass select: 0 = insert, 1 = bypass 3 ADBY ADC high-pass filter bypass select: 0 = insert, 1 = bypass 4 PWDA Powerdown analog: 0 = powerdown, 1 = operating 5 PWDD Powerdown digital: 0 = powerdown, 1 = operating 7–9 OG2-OG0 Analog output gain setting (for D/A output PGA) 10–15 Reserved |
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