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AD28MSP01 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Analog Devices |
AD28MSP01 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Analog Devices |
1 / 28 page ![]() FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 16-BIT SIGMA-DELTA DAC ANALOG INPUTS RESAMPLING INTERPOLATION FILTER DIFFERENTIAL ANALOG OUTPUT CLOCK INPUTS CLOCK OUTPUTS CLOCK GENERATION SERIAL PORT DIGITAL DATA AND CONTROL VOLTAGE REFERENCE 16-BIT SIGMA-DELTA ADC REV. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. a PSTN Signal Port AD28msp01 One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703 FEATURES Complete Analog l/O Port for DSP-Based FAX/MODEM Applications Linear-Coded 16-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC Linear-Coded 16-Bit Sigma-Delta DAC On-Chip Anti-Alias and Anti-lmage Filters Digital Resampling/lnterpolation Filter 7.2 kHz, 8.0 kHz, and 9.6 kHz Sampling Rates 8/7 Mode for 8.23 kHz, 9.14 kHz, and 10.97 kHz Sampling Rates Synchronous and Asynchronous DAC/ADC Modes Bit and Baud Clock Generation Transmit Digital Phase-Locked Loop for Terminal Synchronization Independent Transmit and Receive Phase Adjustment Serial Interface to DSP Processors +5 V Operation with Power-Down Mode 28-Pin Plastic DlP/44-Lead PLCC/28-Lead SOIC APPLICATIONS High Performance DSP-Based Modems V.32ter, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22, V.21, Bell 212A, 103 Fax and Cellular-Compatible Modems V.33, V.29, V.27ter, V.27bis, V.27, V.26bis Integrated Fax, Modem, and Speech Processing GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD28msp01 is a complete analog front end for high perfor- mance DSP-based modems. The device includes all data conver- sion, filtering, and clock generation circuitry needed to imple- ment an echo-cancelling modem with a single host digital signal processor. Software-programmable sample rates and clocking modes support all established modem standards. The AD28msp01 simplifies overall system design by requiring only +5 volts. The inclusion of on-chip anti-aliasing and anti-imaging filters and 16-bit sigma-delta ADC and DAC ensures a highly inte- grated and compact solution for FAX or data MODEM applica- tions. Sigma-delta conversion technology eliminates the need for complex off-chip anti-aliasing filters and sample-and-hold circuitry. The AD28msp01 utilizes advanced sigma-delta technology to move the entire echo-cancelling modem implementation into the digital domain. The device maintains a –72 dB SNR throughout all filtering and data conversion. Purely DSP-based echo cancel- lation algorithms can thereby maintain robust bit error rates under worst-case signal attenuation and echo amplitude condi- tions. The AD28msp01’s on-chip interpolation filter resamples the received signal after echo cancellation in the DSP, freeing the processor for other voice or data communications tasks. On-chip bit and baud clock generation circuitry provides for either synchronous or asynchronous operation of the transmit (DAC) and receive (ADC) paths. Each path features indepen- dent phase advance and retard adjustments via software control. The AD28msp01 can also synchronize modem operation to an external terminal bit clock. The AD28msp01’s serial I/O port provides an easy interface to host DSP microprocessors such as the ADSP-2101, ADSP-2105, and ADSP-2111. Packaged in a 28-pin plastic DIP, 44-lead PLCC, 44-pin TQFP, or 28-lead SOIC, the AD28msp01 pro- vides a compact solution for space-constrained environments. The device operates from a +5 V supply and offers a low power sleep mode for battery-powered systems. A detailed block diagram of the AD28msp01 is shown in Figure 1. |
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