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ICX255AL Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Sony Corporation

Part # ICX255AL
Description  Diagonal 6mm (Type 1/3) CCD Image Sensor for CCIR B/W Video Cameras
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Manufacturer  SONY [Sony Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.sony.co.jp
Logo SONY - Sony Corporation

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Image Sensor Characteristics Measurement Method
Measurement conditions
1) In the following measurements, the device drive conditions are at the typical values of the bias and clock
voltage conditions.
2) In the following measurements, spot blemishes are excluded and, unless otherwise specified, the optical
black (OB) level is used as the reference for the signal output, and the value measured at point [∗A] in the
drive circuit example is used.
Definition of standard imaging conditions
1) Standard imaging condition I:
Use a pattern box (luminance: 706cd/m2, color temperature of 3200K halogen source) as a subject.
(Pattern for evaluation is not applicable.) Use a testing standard lens with CM500S (t = 1.0mm) as an IR cut
filter and image at F8. The luminous intensity to the sensor receiving surface at this point is defined as the
standard sensitivity testing luminous intensity.
2) Standard imaging condition II:
Indicate the state which removes an IR cut filter of standard imaging condition I.
3) Standard imaging condition III:
Image a light source (color temperature of 3200K) with a uniformity of brightness within 2% at all angles.
Use a testing standard lens with CM500S (t = 1.0mm) as an IR cut filter. The luminous intensity is adjusted
to the value indicated in each testing item by the lens diaphragm.
1. Sensitivity 1
Set to standard imaging condition I. After selecting the electronic shutter mode with a shutter speed of
1/250s, measure the signal output (Vs1) at the center of the screen and
substitute the value into the following formula.
2. Sensitivity 2
Set to standard imaging condition II. After selecting the electronic shutter mode with a shutter speed of
1/1000s, measure the signal output (Vs2) at the center of the screen and
substitute the value into the following formula.
3. Saturation signal
Set to standard imaging condition III. After adjusting the luminous intensity to 10 times the intensity with the
average value of the signal output, 200mV, measure the minimum value of the signal output.
4. Smear
Set to standard imaging condition III. With the lens diaphragm at F5.6 to F8, adjust the luminous intensity to
500 times the intensity with the average value of the signal output, 200mV. When the readout clock is
stopped and the charge drain is executed by the electronic shutter at the respective H blankings, measure
the maximum value (VSm [mV]) of the signal output and substitute the value into the following formula.
S1 = Vs1
S2 = Vs2
Sm = 20
× log
[dB] (1/10V method conversion value)

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