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L5956 Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - STMicroelectronics |
L5956 Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - STMicroelectronics |
8 / 17 page Electrical specifications L5956 8/17 Doc ID 13852 Rev 3 REGULATOR 4 Vo (REG 4) Output voltage 3.3 V - 3.15 3.3 3.45 V ΔV Line regulation Vin2 = 6 to 18 V; I = 800 mA - - 50 mV ΔV Line regulation Vin2 = 6 to 18 V; I = 10 mA - - 50 mV ΔVi Load regulation Ireg4 = 1 to 800 mA - - 100 mV Iq Quiescent current Ireg4 = 10 mA - - 5 mA PSRR Supply voltage ripple rejection f = 1 kHz; Vin1 = 1.5 Vpp; Io = 800 mA 50 - - dB Vdrop Drop out voltage Ireg4 = 800 mA (2) -- 2.5 V Im Current limit Rshort = 0.5 Ω 1-2 A POWER SWITCH VdropSW Drop voltage power switch IdcSW = 1.8A max. - - 0.5 V IpSW1 Peak current power switch Peak time < 15 ms 2 - 3.5 A IpSW2 Peak current power switch Peak time > 40 ms 1 - 2 A SWDEL Delay protection - 15 - 40 ms RESET BUFFER (with push-pull buffer) RES RES falling Vreg2 = 5 V 4.6 4.7 4.8 V RES RES rising Vreg2 = 5 V 4.65 4.8 4.95 V VHYS(RES) Hysteresis of reset buffer - 50 100 200 mV IHsource (RES) High level source current Reset = 0 V 1000 1300 1600 µA ILsink (RES) Low level sink current Reset = 5 V 14 16 18 mA RES delay Cres = 47nF - 10 - 60 ms ΔTRES Reset rise and fall time R = 10 k Ω, C = 15 pF - - 50 µs ICharge Charge current CRES = 0 V 3 5 10 µA IDischarge Discharge current CRES = 5 V 1 - 3 mA VTH(F) Falling voltage threshold - 1 1.2 1.4 V VTH(R) Rising voltage threshold - 2.5 2.8 3.5 V Vol Low level ISINK(RES) = 1 mA - 0.3 0.5 V Voh High level - 4.5 Vreg2 5.5 V HOLD SIGNAL VlowI Hold output low for Vin1 low Low detection - - 9 V Vlowh Hold output high for Vin1 normal Normal high detection 10 - 18 V Vlowl Hold output low for Vin1 high low detection 22 - - V Table 4. Electrical characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter Test condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit |
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