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CXD2720Q-2 Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - Sony Corporation |
CXD2720Q-2 Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - Sony Corporation |
30 / 47 page – 30 – CXD2720Q-2 10. Key Controller Setting [Relevant coefficients] nRpR (address = 1DH), nRpR_R (addresas = 1EH), Kp (address = 1FH), Ks (address = 2EH) (1) Key Controller Pitch Ratio nRpR (D15,.....,D2) is a 2’s complement format with a decimal point between D14 and D13, and sets the desired pitch ratio directly. (VnRpR has the same type of setting as nRpR.) 15 nRpR = ∑Dn × 2n–14 n = 2 The expression range for the pitch ratio is: –2.0 ≤ nRpR ≤ 2.0 – 2–12 but for practical use it is: –0.5 ≤ nRpR ≤ 1.0 or ±1 octave. Use within a range of ± half an octave is recommended for quality of sound, although it depends on the aim and the source. Also, the algorithm is such that allophones will not be generated even when nRpR setting value is changed. This applies to nRpR_R (Rch pitch ratio). (2) L/R Common Setting and L/R Independent Setting of Pitch Ratio The pitch ratio value can be set commonly or independently for Lch and Rch. It is recommended that the common value be set when the key controller is used as the music key controller, and the independent values be set when it is used as the voice effect. Kp (address = 1FH) is used to switch the settings of the common value and independent values. The common value is set when Kp is 8000H. nRpR (address = 1DH) is valid, and nRpR_R (address = 1EH) setting value is invalid for both Lch and Rch in the pitch ratio. The independent values are set when Kp is 0000H. nRPR is valid for Lch, and nRpR_R is valid for Rch in the pitch ratio. (3) Notes on Key Controller OFF The pitch does not change when nRpR and nRpR_R are set to 0000H (OFF) when the key controller is OFF, but depending on the internal state during OFF, there is no guarantee that the input value will be output as is. During OFF, after setting nRpR and nRpR_R to 0000H (OFF), set the pitch control section to through state. |
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