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CXA1372BS Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Sony Corporation |
CXA1372BS Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Sony Corporation |
14 / 32 page – 14 – CXA1372BQ/BS Tracking Sled Servo 42 TZC TZC 0.022µ 45 0.047µ ATSC BPF 100k 1k 1k 100k ATSC 43 44 TE 22k 0.1µ TE TDFCT 470k DFCT 680k TG1 TG1 680K 10k TM1 66P Tracking Phase Compensation 8 9 0.033µ TGU TG2 20k TG2 470k 10k 90k TM7 11 12 TA– 13 SL+ 14 15 SLO SL– TRACKING COIL 100k 82k 22µ 3.3µ 15k 8.2k 0.015µ M SLED MOTOR 120k 100k SSTOP SSTOP 100k 1k 10k TM2 TM6 TM5 22µA 22µA TM4 TM3 11µA 11µA 16 510k 0.01µ FSET TAO 18 The above figure shows a block diagram of the tracking and sled servo. The capacitor connected between Pins 8 and 9 is a time constant to cut the high-frequency gain when TG2 is OFF. The peak frequency of the tracking phase compensation is approximately 1.2kHz when a 510k Ω resistance connected to Pin 16. To jump tracks in FWD and REV directions, turn TM3 or TM4 ON. During this time, the peak voltage applied to the tracking coil is determined by the TM3 or TM4 current and the feedback resistance from Pin 12. To be more specific, Track jump peak voltage = TM3 (or TM4) current × feedback resistance The FWD and REV sled kick is performed by turning TM5 or TM6 ON. During this time, the peak voltage applied to the sled motor is determined by the TM5 or TM6 current and the feedback resistance from Pin 15; Sled kick peak voltage = TM5 ( or TM6) current × feedback resistance The values of the current for each switch are determined by the resistance connected between Pin 17 and GND. When this resistance is 120k Ω: TM3 ( or TM4) = ±11µA, and TM5 (or TM6) = ±22µA. This current value is almost inversely proportional to the resistance and the variable range is approximately 5 to 40µA at TM3. SSTOP is the ON/OFF detection signal for the limit SW of the linear motor's innermost track. As is the case with the FE signal, the TE signal is switched to pass through a low-pass filter formed by the internal resistance (470k Ω) and the capacitor connected to Pin 44. TM-1 was ON at DFCT in the CXA1082 and CXA1182, but it does not operate in the CXA1372. |
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