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CDCM6208V1RGZT Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Texas Instruments |
CDCM6208V1RGZT Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Texas Instruments |
2 / 78 page CDCM6208 SCAS931A – MAY 2012 – REVISED JUNE 2012 www.ti.com These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. DESCRIPTION CONTINUED In synthesizer mode, the overall output jitter performance is less than 0.5 ps-rms (10 k - 20 MHz) or 20 ps-pp (unbound) on output using integer dividers and is between 50 to 220 ps-pp (10 k - 40 MHz) on outputs using fractional dividers depending on the prescaler output frequency. In jitter cleaner mode, the overall output jitter is less than 2.1 ps-rms (10 k - 20 MHz) or 40 ps-pp on output using integer dividers and is less than 70 ps to 240 ps-pp on outputs using fractional dividers. The CDCM6208 is packaged in a small 48-pin 7mm x 7mm QFN package. Additional list of FEATURES Supply Voltage: The CDCM6208 supply is internally regulated. Therefore each core and I/O supply can be mixed and matched in any order according to the application needs. The device jitter performance is independent of supply voltage. Frequency Range: The PLL includes dual reference inputs with input multiplexer, charge pump, loop filter, and VCO that operates from 2.39 GHz to 2.55 GHz (CDCM6208V1) and 2.94 GHz to 3.13 GHz (CDCM6208V2). Reference inputs: The primary and secondary reference inputs support differential and single ended signals from 8 kHz to 250 MHz. The secondary reference input also supports crystals from 10 MHz to 50 MHz. A 4-bit reference divider available on the primary reference input. The input mux between the two references supports simply switching or can be configured as Smart MUX and supports glitchless input switching. Divider and Prescaler: In addition to the 4-bit input divider of the primary reference a 14-b input divider at the output of input MUX and a cascaded 8-b and 10-b continuous feedback dividers are available. Two independent prescaler dividers offer divide by /4, /5 and /6 options of the VCO frequency of which any combination can then be chosen for a bank of 4 outputs (2 with fractional dividers and 2 that share an integer divider) through an output MUX. A total of 2 output MUXes are available. Phase Frequency Detector and Charge Pump: The PFD input frequency can range from 8 kHz to 100 MHz. The charge pump gain is programmable and the loop filter consists of internal + partially external passive components and supports bandwidths from a few Hz up to 400kHz. Phase Noise: The Phase Noise performance of the device can be summarized to: Table 1. Synthesizer Mode (Loop filter BW >250 kHz) Random Jitter (all outputs) Total Jitter Typical Maximum Maximum Integer divider Fractional divider DJ-unbound DJ 10k-40MHz 10k-20MHz 10k-20MHz 10k-100MHz RJ 10k-20MHz RJ 10k-20MHz 0.27 ps-rms (Integer division) 50-220 ps-pp, 0.5 ps-rms (int div) 0.625 ps-rms (int div) 20 ps-pp (1) 0.7ps-rms (fractional div) see Figure 4 (1) TJ = 20 pspp applies for LVPECL, CML, and LVDS signaling. TJ lab characterization measured 8 pspp, (typical) and 12 pspp (max) over PVT. Table 2. Jitter Cleaner Mode (Loop filter BW < 1 kHz) Random Jitter (all outputs) Total Jitter Typical Maximum Maximum Integer divider Fractional divider DJ unbound DJ 10k-40MHz 10k-20MHz 10k-20MHz 10k-100MHz RJ 10k-20MHz RJ 10k-20MHz 1.6 ps-rms (Integer division) 70-240 ps-pp, 2.1 ps-rms (int div) 2.14 ps-rms (int div) 40 ps-pp 2.3 ps-rms (fractional div) 10k-20MHz see Figure 4 2 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): CDCM6208 |
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