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CLRC663 Datasheet(PDF) 35 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
CLRC663 Datasheet(HTML) 35 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
35 / 132 page CLRC663 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2012. All rights reserved. Product data sheet COMPANY PUBLIC Rev. 3.3 — 3 April 2012 171133 35 of 132 NXP Semiconductors CLRC663 Contactless reader IC 8.5 Buffer 8.5.1 Overview An 512 8-bit FIFO buffer is implemented in the CLRC663. It buffers the input and output data stream between the host and the internal state machine of the CLRC663. Thus, it is possible to handle data streams with lengths of up to 512 bytes without taking timing constraints into account. The FIFO can also be limited to a size of 255 byte. In this case all the parameters (FIFO length, Watermark...) require a single byte only for definition. In case of a 512 byte FIFO length the definition of this values requires 2 bytes. 8.5.2 Accessing the FIFO buffer When the -Controller starts a command, the CLRC663 may, while the command is in progress, access the FIFO-buffer according to that command. Physically only one FIFO-buffer is implemented, which can be used in input and output direction. Therefore the -Controller has to take care, not to access the FIFO buffer in a way that corrupts the FIFO data. 8.5.3 Controlling the FIFO buffer Besides writing to and reading from the FIFO buffer, the FIFO-buffer pointers might be reset by setting the bit FIFOFlush in FIFOControl to 1. Consequently, the FIFOLevel bits are set to logic 0, the actually stored bytes are not accessible any more and the FIFO buffer can be filled with another 512 bytes (or 255 bytes if the bit FIFOSize is set to 1) again. 8.5.4 Status Information about the FIFO buffer The host may obtain the following data about the FIFO-buffers status: • Number of bytes already stored in the FIFO-buffer. Writing increments, reading decrements the FIFO level: FIFOLength in register FIFOLength (and FIFOControl Register in 512 byte mode) • Warning, that the FIFO-buffer is almost full: HiAlert in register FIFOControl according to the value of the water level in register WaterLevel (Register 02h bit [2], Register 03h bit[7:0]) • Warning, that the FIFO-buffer is almost empty: LoAlert in register FIFOControl according to the value of the water level in register WaterLevel (Register 02h bit [2], Register 03h bit[7:0]) • FIFOOvl bit indicates, that bytes were written to the FIFO buffer although it was already full: ErrIrq in register Irq0. WaterLevel is one single value defining both HiAlert (counting from the FIFO top) and LoAlert (counting from the FIFO bottom). The CLRC663 can generate an interrupt signal if: • LoAlertIRQEn in register IRQ0En is set to logic 1 it will activate pin IRQ when LoAlert in the register FIFOControl changes to 1. • HiAlertIRQEN in register IRQ0En is set to logic 1 it will activate pin IRQ when HiAlert in the register FIFOControl changes to 1. |
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