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C515C Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Siemens Semiconductor Group |
C515C Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Siemens Semiconductor Group |
9 / 69 page Semiconductor Group 9 1997-07-01 C515C P7.0 / INT7 23 I/O Port 7 is an 1-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-up resistor. When a 1 is written to P7.0 it is pulled high by an internal pull-up resistor, and in that state can be used as input. As input, P7.0 being externally pulled low will source current (I IL, in the DC characteristics) because of the internal pull-up resistor. If P7.0 is used as interrupt input, its output latch must be programmed to a one (1). The secondary function is assigned to the port 7 pin as follows: P7.0 INT7 Interrupt 7 input P1.0 - P1.7 31-24 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 I/O Port 1 is an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port with internal pullup resistors. Port 1 pins that have 1's written to them are pulled high by the internal pullup resistors, and in that state can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 1 pins being externally pulled low will source current (I IL, in the DC characteristics) because of the internal pullup resistors. The port is used for the low-order address byte during program verification. Port 1 also contains the interrupt, timer, clock, capture and compare pins that are used by various options. The output latch corresponding to a secondary function must be programmed to a one (1) for that function to operate (except when used for the compare functions). The secondary functions are assigned to the port 1 pins as follows: P1.0 INT3 CC0 Interrupt 3 input / compare 0 output / capture 0 input P1.1 INT4 CC1 Interrupt 4 input / compare 1 output / capture 1 input P1.2 INT5 CC2 Interrupt 5 input / compare 2 output / capture 2 input P1.3 INT6 CC3 Interrupt 6 input / compare 3 output / capture 3 input P1.4 INT2 Interrupt 2 input P1.5 T2EX Timer 2 external reload / trigger input P1.6 CLKOUT System clock output P1.7 T2 Counter 2 input *) I = Input O = Output Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d) Symbol Pin Number I/O*) Function P-MQFP-80 |
Similar Part No. - C515C |
Similar Description - C515C |
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