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GS9092A Datasheet(PDF) 31 Page - Gennum Corporation |
GS9092A Datasheet(HTML) 31 Page - Gennum Corporation |
31 / 63 page GS9092A GenLINX® III 270Mb/s Serializer for SDI and DVB-ASI Data Sheet 34715 - 4 May 2010 31 of 63 3.3.3 Ancillary Data Insertion Mode The internal FIFO is in ancillary data insertion mode when the application layer sets the FIFO_EN and IOPROC_EN pins HIGH, and the FIFO_MODE[1:0] bits in the IOPROC_DISABLE register are configured to 10b. In this mode, the FIFO is divided into two separate blocks of 1024 words each. To insert ancillary data into the video stream, the internal PLL must be locked to the input PCLK. Once the FIFO enters ancillary data insertion mode, there is a 2200 PCLK cycle (82us) initialization period before the application layer may write ancillary data into the FIFO. The device will set the ANC_FIFO_READY bit HIGH (bit 12 of address 06h) once this initialization period has passed. The following steps, which may be completed in any order, are required before ancillary data is inserted into the data stream: 1. Starting at the first address of the FIFO (address 02Ch), the application layer must program the contents of the ancillary data packets to be inserted into the FIFO via the host interface. A maximum of 1024 8-bit words are allowed. The entire packet, including the ancillary data flag (ADF), data identification (DID), secondary data identification (SDID) if applicable, data count (DC), and checksum word must be written into memory. The user may write an arbitrary value (FFh for example) for the checksum word, which will act as a place holder. The actual checksum will be calculated and inserted by the device prior to insertion into the data stream. The GS9092A will also generate bit 8 and 9 for all words in the FIFO (as described in SMPTE 291M) prior to insertion. Note that no ancillary data can be written to the FIFO until the device has set the ANC_FIFO_READY bit HIGH. 2. The number of words to be inserted (i.e. the number of words written into the FIFO), must be programmed in the ANC_WORDS[10:0] register by the application layer. If the total number of words to be inserted exceeds the available space, the ancillary data will be inserted up to the point where the available space is filled. 3. The line(s) in which the packets are to be inserted must be programmed into the ANC_LINE_A[10:0] and/or ANC_LINE_B[10:0] registers. Up to two lines per frame may have ancillary data packets inserted in them. If only one line number register is programmed, ancillary data packets will be inserted in one line per frame only. The GS9092A will insert ancillary data into the designated line(s) during every frame. 4. The application layer must set the ANC_SAV bit of the IO_CONFIG register (address 05h) either HIGH or LOW. By default, the ANC_SAV bit will be LOW and the ancillary data will be inserted into the horizontal ancillary data space at the first available location after the EAV. If the ANC_SAV bit is set HIGH, the ancillary data is written instead immediately after the SAV on the line programmed. If an active video line is programmed into the ANC_LINE_A[10:0] or ANC_LINE_B[10:0] register, the active video data will be overwritten when ANC_SAV is set HIGH. |
Similar Part No. - GS9092A |
Similar Description - GS9092A |
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