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GS9092A Datasheet(PDF) 54 Page - Gennum Corporation

Part # GS9092A
Description  GenLINX III 270Mb/s Serializer for SDI and DVB-ASI
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Manufacturer  GENNUM [Gennum Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.gennum.com
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GS9092A GenLINX® III 270Mb/s Serializer for SDI and
Data Sheet
34715 - 4
May 2010
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3.13.1 Command Word Description
The command word consists of a 16-bit word transmitted MSB first and contains a
read/write bit, an Auto-Increment bit and a 12-bit address. Figure 3-13 shows the
command word format and bit configurations.
Command words are clocked into the GS9092A on the rising edge of the serial clock
SCLK, which operates in a burst fashion.
When the Auto-Increment bit is set LOW, each command word must be followed by
only one data word to ensure proper operation. If the Auto-Increment bit is set HIGH,
the following data word will be written into the address specified in the command word,
and subsequent data words will be written into incremental addresses from the
previous data word. This facilitates multiple address writes without sending a command
word for each data word.
Auto-Increment may be used for both read and write access.
3.13.2 Data Read and Write Timing
Read and write mode timing for the GSPI interface is shown in Figure 3-15 and
Figure 3-16 respectively. The timing parameters are defined in Table 3-13.
When several devices are connected to the GSPI chain, only one CS must be asserted
during a read sequence.
During the write sequence, all command and following data words input at the SDIN pin
are output at the SDOUT pin as is. Where several devices are connected to the GSPI
chain, data can be written simultaneously to all the devices that have CS set LOW.
Table 3-13: GSPI Timing Parameters
The minimum duration of time chip select, CS, must be
LOW before the first SCLK rising edge.
1.5 ns
The minimum SCLK period.
18.5 ns
Duty cycle tolerated by SCLK.
40% to 60%
Minimum input setup time.
1.5 ns
Write Cycle: the minimum duration of time between
the last SCLK command (or data word if the
Auto-Increment bit is HIGH) and the first SCLK of the
data word.
37.1 ns
Read Cycle: the minimum duration of time between
the last SCLK command (or data word if the
Auto-Increment bit is HIGH) and the first SCLK of the
data word.
148.4 ns

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