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GS9092A Datasheet(PDF) 49 Page - Gennum Corporation

Part # GS9092A
Description  GenLINX III 270Mb/s Serializer for SDI and DVB-ASI
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Manufacturer  GENNUM [Gennum Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.gennum.com
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GS9092A GenLINX® III 270Mb/s Serializer for SDI and
Data Sheet
34715 - 4
May 2010
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3.10 Serial Digital Output
The GS9092A contains an integrated current mode differential serial digital output
buffer/cable driver, capable of driving 800mV into two single ended 75Ω loads. Output
pins SDO and SDO provide a single differential serial digital output. Alternatively, two
75Ω connections can be driven using single ended drive.
To enable the output, SDO_EN must be set HIGH by the application layer. Setting the
SDO_EN signal LOW will cause the SDO and SDO output pins to become high
impedance, resulting in reduced device power consumption.
With suitable external return loss matching circuitry, the GS9092A's serial digital
outputs will provide a minimum output return loss of 15dB.
The output buffer / cable driver uses a separate power supply of +1.8V DC supplied via
the CD_VDD and CD_GND pins.
3.10.1 Output Swing
Nominally, the voltage swing of the serial digital output is 800mVp-p single-ended into
a 75Ω load. This is set externally by connecting the RSET pin to CD_VDD through a
resistor. The output swing may be adjusted by altering the value of the RSET resistor.
SMPTE-compliant cable driver operation can be achieved at +1.8V operation by
connecting external pull-up resistors from the differential output to the +1.8V source.
3.10.2 Serial Digital Output Mute Control
The GS9092A will automatically mute the serial digital output when RESET is LOW. In
this case, the SDO and SDO signals are set to the last logic state.
3.10.3 Output Return Loss Measurement
Under normal operating conditions the cable connected to the BNC connector will
provide a 75Ω load. Under this loaded condition, the outputs of the device swing
between VCC-0.4V and VCC-1.2V. When a 75Ω load is not connected to the BNC
connector, the outputs of the device will swing between VCC and VCC - 1.6V. The
difference in output swing is shown in Figure 3-10.

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