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LH540215 Datasheet(PDF) 39 Page - Sharp Corporation

Part # LH540215
Description  512 x 18 / 1024 x 18 Synchronous FIFO
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Manufacturer  SHARP [Sharp Corporation]
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When standalone-mode LH540215/25 devices are
paralleled, the behavior of the status flags is identical for
all devices; so, in principle, a representative value for
each of these flags could be derived from any one device.
In practice, it is better to derive ‘composite’ flag values
using external logic, since there may be minor speed
variations between different actual devices. After writing
or reading have been in a disabled state, the process of
re-enabling should be gated by the slowest FIFO.
For m paralleled FIFOs, the form of this external
composite-flag logic may be an OR gate with m asser-
tive-LOW inputs and an assertive-LOW output. In keep-
ing with deMorgan’s Theorem, such a gate may be
implemented as an AND gate with m assertive-HIGH
inputs and an assertive-HIGH output. Figure 27 illustrates
the case m = 2.
The LH540215/25 architecture supports two very dif-
ferent methods of depth cascading:
Token passing, which follows the scheme used in the
pin-compatible and functionally-compatible Integrated
Device Technology IDT72205B /15B/25B/35B/45B
FIFOs, which the LH540215/25 can directly replace.
Pipelining, which follows the scheme used in the Texas
Instruments SN74ACT7801/11/81 FIFOs, and also in the
Sharp LH543620 1024
×36 FIFO. The SN74ACT7801/11/81
pinout closely resembles the LH540215/25 pinout, but is
not identical.
Depth Cascading Using Token Passing
Using the token-passing approach, depth cascading
is implemented by configuring the required number of
LH540215/25s in a circular ‘ring’ fashion, with the Expan-
sion Out outputs (WXO/HF and RXO/
EF2) of each device
tied to the Expansi on In inputs (WXI/
WEN2 and
REN2) of the next device. (See Figure 28.) Because
a reset operation forces the WXO/HF and RXO/
outputs HIGH for each device, the WXI/
WEN2 and
REN2 inputs for the next device are HIGH during the
reset operation; thus, these two inputs are HIGH for all
devices in the ring. (See Tables 1 and 2, and also Figure
28.) All devices in the cascade must be in the IDT-Com-
patible Operating Mode; thus, their
EMODE inputs must
be tied to Vcc.
One FIFO in the cascade must be designated as the
‘first-load’ device, by tying its First Load input (FL/
RT) to
ground. All other devices must have their FL/
RT inputs
tied HIGH. Under these circumstances, the Retransmit
function is not available for use.
In this mode, the control inputs which govern writing
(WCLK and WEN) and the control inputs which govern
reading (RCLK and REN) are shared by all devices, while
logic within each LH540215/25 governs the steering of
data. The common Data Inputs of all devices are tied
together; but only one LH540215/25 is enabled during
any given write cycle. Likewise, the common three-state
Data Outputs of all devices are wire-ORed together; but
only one LH540215/25 is enabled, including its three-
state outputs, during any given read cycle. A data word is
handled only by one device as it passes through the
cascade of FIFOs, regardless of how many FIFOs are
being cascaded together.
In the token-passing depth-cascaded mode, external
logic should be used to generate a composite Full Flag
and a composite Empty Flag, by ANDing the FF outputs
of all LH540215/25 devices together and by ANDing the
EF outputs of all devices together, using AND gates with
assertive-LOW inputs and an assertive-LOW output.
Here, the meaning of these composite flags is direct: the
cascade of FIFOs is full, if and only if all k FIFOs belonging
to the cascade are individually full; and similarly for empty.
In keeping with deMorgan’s Theorem, these k-input as-
sertive-LOW AND gates are implemented physically as
k-input assertive-HIGH OR gates. Figure 28 illustrates the
case k = 3.
Similar external logic also may be used to generate a
composite Programmable Almost-Full Flag and a com-
posite Programmable Almost-Empty Flag, by ANDing the
PAF outputs of all LH540215/25 devices together and by
ANDing the PAE outputs of all devices together. Here,
however, some careful analysis is required, to determine
exactly what the resulting composite flags mean. Their
significance may vary widely, depending on the number
of FIFOs in the cascade, and on the ‘offset’ values which
are present in the offset registers for these FIFOs. More
complex logical combinations of PAF outputs with FF
outputs, and of PAE outputs with EF outputs, may be
found useful in particular applications.
In any case, the Half-Full Flag and the Retransmit
function are not available for devices being used in token-
passing depth-cascaded mode.
BOLD ITALIC = Enhanced Operating Mode
512 x 18/1024 x 18 Synchronous FIFO

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