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LH540215 Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - Sharp Corporation

Part # LH540215
Description  512 x 18 / 1024 x 18 Synchronous FIFO
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Manufacturer  SHARP [Sharp Corporation]
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But, if EMODE is asserted (LOW), then still another
18-bit data word from the data inputs D0 – D17 is
written into the Control Register at the third rising
edge of WCLK. At the fourth rising edge of WCLK,
writing again occurs to the Programmable-Almost-
Empty-Flag-Offset-Value Register; and the same
three-step writing sequence gets repeated on sub-
sequent WCLK rising edges.
The lower nine bits of these offset-value words are
made use of by the 512-word LH540215, and the lower
ten bits by the 1024-word LH540225.
Six active bits are
used for the Control Register, by both the LH540215
and the LH540225. There is no restriction on the values
which may occur in these offset-value
and Control-Reg-
ister fields. However, reserved bit positions must be
encoded LOW, in order to maintain forward compatibility.
Writing contents to these two
or three programmable
registers does not have to occur all at one time, or to be
effected by one single sequence of steps. Whenever LD
is being asserted (is LOW) but WEN is not being asserted
(is HIGH), the FIFO’s internal programmable-register-
write-address pointer maintains its present value, without
any writing actually taking place at each rising edge of
WCLK. (See Table 3.) Thus, for instance, one or two
programmable registers may be written, after which the
FIFO may be returned to normal FIFO-array-read/write
operation by deasserting LD (to HIGH).
Likewise, whenever LD and REN are simultaneously
being asserted (are both LOW) the 18-bit data word
(zero-filled as necessary) from the Programmable-Al-
most-Empty-Flag-Offset-Value Register is read to the
data outputs Q0 – Q17 at the first rising edge (LOW-to-
HIGH transition) of the read clock (RCLK). (See Table 3.)
If LD and REN continue to be simultaneously asserted,
another 18-bit data word from the Programmable-Almost-
Full-Flag-Offset-Value Register is read to the data outputs
Q0 – Q17 at the second rising edge of RCLK.
What happens next is determined by the state of the
EMODE control input. If it is deasserted (HIGH), the next
18-bit word again comes from the Programmable-Almost-
Empty-Flag-Offset-Value Register; it is read to the data
outputs Q0 – Q17.
But, if EMODE is asserted (LOW), then the next
18-bit data word instead comes from the Control
Register; it is read to the data outputs Q0 – Q17 at the
third rising edge of RCLK. At the fourth rising edge
of RCLK, reading again occurs from the Programma-
ble-Almost-Empty-Flag-Offset-Value Register; and
the same three-step reading sequence gets repeated
on subsequent RCLK rising edges.
Reading contents from these two or
three programma-
ble registers does not have to occur all at one time, or to
be effected by one single sequence of steps. Whenever
LD is being asserted (is LOW) but REN is not being
asserted (is HIGH), the FIFO’s internal programmable-
register-read-address pointer maintains its present value,
without any reading actually taking place at each rising
edge of RCLK. (See Table 3.) Thus, for instance, one or
two programmable registers may be read, after which the
FIFO may be returned to normal FIFO-array-read/write
operation by deasserting LD (to HIGH).
To ensure correct operation, the simultaneous reading
and writing of a register should be avoided.
/RT is a dual-purpose signal. It is one of four input
signals which select the grouping mode in which the FIFO
operates after being reset; the other three of these input
signals are WXI/
WEN2, RXI/REN2, and EMODE. There
are four possible grouping modes: standalone, inter-
locked paralleled, cascaded ‘master’ or ‘first-load,’ and
cascaded ‘slave.’ The designations ‘master’ and ‘slave’
pertain to IDT-compatible depth cascading. Tables 1 and
2 show the signal encodings which select each grouping
In standalone or paralleled operation, the FL/
RT pin
should be grounded for strict IDT72215B/25B-compatible
However, if it is taken HIGH, regardless of
the state of the EMODE control input, the FIFO’s
internal read-address pointer is reset to address the
FIFO’s first physical memory location, without the
other usual reset actions being taken; in particular,
the FIFO’s internal write-address pointer is unaf-
fected. Subsequent read operations may then again
read out the same block of data, delimited by the
FIFO’s first physical memory location and the current
value of the write pointer, as was read out previously.
There is no limit on the number of times that a block
of data may be retransmitted. The only restrictions
are that neither the read-address pointer nor the
write-address pointer may ‘wrap around’ and address
the FIFO’s first physical memory location a second
time during the retransmission process, and that the
retransmit facility is unavailable during cascaded opera-
In IDT-compatible cascaded operation, FL/
RT is
grounded for the ‘master’ or ‘first-load’ FIFO, to distinguish
it from the other ‘slave’ FIFOs in the cascade, which must
all have their FL/
RT inputs HIGH during a reset operation.
(See again Tables 1 and 2.) The cascade will not operate
correctly either without any ‘master’ FIFO, or with more
than one ‘master’ FIFO.
/WEN2 is a dual-purpose signal. It is one of four
input signals which select the grouping mode in which the
FIFO operates after being reset; the other three of these
input signals are FL/
RT, RXI/REN2, and EMODE. There
four possible grouping modes: standalone, inter-
BOLD ITALIC = Enhanced Operating Mode
512 x 18/1024 x 18 Synchronous FIFO

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