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ZXRE060AFT4-7 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Diodes Incorporated |
ZXRE060AFT4-7 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Diodes Incorporated |
7 / 12 page ZXRE060 0.6V ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATOR ZXRE060 Document number: DS33611 Rev. 6 - 2 7 of 12 www.diodes.com March 2011 © Diodes Incorporated A Product Line of Diodes Incorporated Application Information The following show some typical application examples for the ZXRE060. It is recommended to include the compensation capacitor C2 to guarantee stability. C2 may range in value from 0.1µF to 10µF depending on the application. The time constant formed by C2 and R3 should be greater than 1ms multiplied by the feedback factor R2/(R1 + R2). Both C1 and C2 should be as close to the ZXRE060 as possible and connected to it with the shortest possible track. In the case of fig 9 and fig10, it means the opto-coupler will have to be carefully positioned to enable this. Figure 3. 0.6V Shunt Regulator Figure 4. 1.0V Shunt Regulator REF V OUT V = ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ + = 2 R 1 R 1 REF V OUT V 3 R I OUT V IN V 3 R − = Figure 5. 0.6V series LDO regulator Figure 6. 1.0V series LDO regulator REF V OUT V = ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ + = 2 R 1 R 1 REF V OUT V Design guides 1. Determine IOUT and choose a suitable transistor taking power dissipation into consideration. 2. Determine IB from ) 1 (min) FE h ( (max) OUT I B I + = 3. Determine IR3 from (min) KA I B I 3 R I + ≥ . The design of the ZXRE060 effectively means there is no IKA(min) limitation as in conventional references. There is only an output leakage current which is a maximum of 1µA. Nevertheless, it is necessary to determine an IKA(min) to ensure that the device operates within its linear range at all times. IKA(min) ≥ 10µA should be adequate for this. 4. Determine R3 from 3 R I ) BE V OUT V ( IN V 3 R + − = . 5. Although unlikely to be a problem, ensure that IR3 ≤ 15 mA. 1uF 1uF |
Similar Part No. - ZXRE060AFT4-7 |
Similar Description - ZXRE060AFT4-7 |
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