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MCM64Z834TQ10R Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Motorola, Inc

Part # MCM64Z834TQ10R
Description  256K x 36 and 512K x 18 Bit ZBT Fast Static RAM
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Manufacturer  MOTOROLA [Motorola, Inc]
Direct Link  http://www.freescale.com
Logo MOTOROLA - Motorola, Inc

MCM64Z834TQ10R Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Motorola, Inc

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256K x 36 and 512K x 18 Bit
r Fast Static RAM
The ZBT RAM is an 8M–bit synchronous fast static RAM designed to provide
Zero Bus Turnaround
r. The ZBT RAM allows 100% use of bus cycles during
back–to–back read/write and write/read cycles. The MCM64Z834 (organized as
256K words by 36 bits) and the MCM64Z916 (organized as 512K words by 18
bits) are fabricated in Motorola’s high performance silicon gate CMOS tech-
nology. This device integrates input registers, an output register, a 2–bit address
counter, and high speed SRAM onto a single monolithic circuit for reduced parts
count in communication applications. Synchronous design allows precise cycle
control with the use of an external positive–edge–triggered clock (CK). CMOS
circuitry reduces the overall power consumption of the integrated functions for
greater reliability.
Addresses (SA), data inputs (DQ), and all control signals except output enable
(G) and linear burst order (LBO) are clock (CK) controlled through positive–
edge–triggered noninverting registers.
Write cycles are internally self–timed and are initiated by the rising edge of the
clock (CK) input. This feature eliminates complex off–chip write pulse generation
and provides increased timing flexibility for incoming signals. Write data is
supplied to the memory one cycle after the write sequence initiation for the flow–
through device, and two cycles after the write sequence initiation for the pipelined
For flow–through read cycles, the SRAM allows output data to simply flow freely from the memory
array. For pipelined read cycles, the SRAM output data is temporarily stored by an edge–triggered
output register and then released to the output buffers at the next rising edge of clock (CK).
The MCM64Z834 and MCM64Z916 operate from a 2.5 V core power supply and all outputs oper-
ate on a 2.5 V power supply. All inputs and outputs are JEDEC Standard JESD8–5 compatible.
• 2.5 V ±200 mV Core Power Supply, 2.5 V I/O Supply
• MCM64Z834/916–10 = 10 ns Flow–Through Access/4 ns Pipelined Access (143 MHz)
MCM64Z834 / 916–11 = 11 ns Flow–Through Access / 4.2 ns Pipelined Access (133 MHz)
MCM64Z834 / 916–15 = 15 ns Flow–Through Access / 5 ns Pipelined Access (100 MHz)
• Selectable Read/Write Functionality (Flow–Through/Pipelined)
• Selectable Burst Sequencing Order (Linear/Interleaved)
• Internally Self–Timed Write Cycle
• Two–Cycle Deselect (Pipelined)
• Byte Write Control
• ADV Controlled Burst
• Simplified JTAG
• 100–Pin TQFP and 119–Bump PBGA Packages
ZBT and Zero Bus Turnaround are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc., and the architecture is supported by
Micron Technology, Inc. and Motorola, Inc.
This document contains information on a new product under development. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice.
Order this document
by MCM64Z834/D
CASE 983A–01
CASE 999–02
© Motorola, Inc. 1999
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
For More Information On This Product,
Go to: www.freescale.com

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