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ATMEGA8515 Datasheet(PDF) 58 Page - ATMEL Corporation

Part # ATMEGA8515
Description  8-bit Microcontroller with 8K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash
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Manufacturer  ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.atmel.com
Logo ATMEL - ATMEL Corporation

ATMEGA8515 Datasheet(HTML) 58 Page - ATMEL Corporation

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• Bit 0 – IVCE: Interrupt Vector Change Enable
The IVCE bit must be written to logic one to enable change of the IVSEL bit. IVCE is
cleared by hardware four cycles after it is written or when IVSEL is written. Setting the
IVCE bit will disable interrupts, as explained in the IVSEL description above. See Code
Example below.
Assembly Code Example
; Enable change of interrupt vectors
r16, (1<<IVCE)
GICR, r16
; Move interrupts to boot flash section
r16, (1<<IVSEL)
GICR, r16
C Code Example
/* Enable change of interrupt vectors */
GICR = (1<<IVCE);
/* Move interrupts to boot flash section */
GICR = (1<<IVSEL);

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