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R5F64166DFD Datasheet(PDF) 28 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
R5F64166DFD Datasheet(HTML) 28 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
28 / 50 page REJ03B0253-0110 Rev.1.10 Page 28 of 95 Jun 23, 2010 R32C/116 Group 3. Memory 3. Memory Figure 3.1 shows the memory map of the R32C/116 Group. The R32C/116 Group provides a 4-Gbyte address space from 00000000h to FFFFFFFFh. The internal ROM is mapped to the end of the memory map with the ending address fixed at FFFFFFFFh. Therefore, the 1-Mbyte internal ROM is mapped from FFF00000h to FFFFFFFFh. The fixed interrupt vector table which contains each start address of interrupt handlers is mapped from FFFFFFDCh to FFFFFFFFh. The internal RAM is mapped to the beginning of the memory map with the starting address fixed at 00000400h. Therefore, the 63-Kbyte internal RAM is mapped from 00000400h to 0000FFFFh. Besides being used for data storage, the internal RAM functions as a stack(s) for subroutines and/or interrupt handlers. Special Function Registers (SFRs), which are control registers for peripheral functions, are mapped from 00000000h to 000003FFh, and from 00040000h to 0004FFFFh. Unoccupied SFR locations are reserved. No access is allowed. In memory expansion mode or microprocessor mode, some spaces are reserved for internal use and should not be accessed. Figure 3.1 Memory Map Internal RAM SFR1 SFR2 00000000h FFFFFFFFh Reset NMI Reserved Reserved Reserved BRK instruction Overflow Undefined instruction Watchdog timer (5) FFFFFFFFh FFFFFFDCh YYYYYYYYh 00000400h XXXXXXXXh Reserved 00040000h Internal ROM (Data space) (1) 00060000h 00062000h 00050000h Reserved Internal RAM Capacity XXXXXXXXh 63 Kbytes 00010000h 40 Kbytes 0000A400h Internal ROM Capacity YYYYYYYYh 512 Kbytes FFF80000h 640 Kbytes FFF60000h 768 Kbytes FFF40000h 1 Mbyte FFF00000h 48 Kbytes 0000C400h External space (2) Reserved 00080000h Reserved (3) FFE00000h Internal ROM (4) 384 Kbytes FFFA0000h Notes: 1. Additional two 4-Kbyte spaces (blocks A and B) for storing data are provided in the flash memory version. 2. This space can be used in memory expansion mode or microprocessor mode. Addresses from 02000000h to FDFFFFFFh are inaccessible. 3. This space is reserved in memory expansion mode. It can be external space in microprocessor mode. 4. This space can be used in single-chip mode or memory expansion mode. It can be external space in microprocessor mode. 5. The watchdog timer interrupt shares the vector table with the oscillator stop detection interrupt and low voltage detection interrupt. |
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