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MAX34440 Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
MAX34440 Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
11 / 43 page PMBus 6-Channel Power-Supply Manager 11 Pin Description (continued) PIN NAME FUNCTION 18 PWM4 PWM Margin Output #4. High impedance when the margining is disabled. A 100% duty cycle implies this pin is continuously high. 19 PSEN4 Power-Supply Enable Output #4. Programmable through MFR_MODE for either active high or active low and either open drain or CMOS push-pull. 20 PWM3 PWM Margin Output #3. High impedance when the margining is disabled. A 100% duty cycle implies this pin is continuously high. 22 REG18 Regulator for Low-Voltage Digital Circuitry. Bypass REG18 to VSS with 1FF and 10nF capacitors. Do not connect other circuitry to this pin. 23 PSEN3 Power-Supply Enable Output #3. Programmable through MFR_MODE for either active high or active low and either open drain or CMOS push-pull. 24 PWM2 PWM Margin Output #2. High impedance when the margining is disabled. A 100% duty cycle implies this pin is continuously high. 25 PSEN2 Power-Supply Enable Output #2. Programmable through MFR_MODE for either active high or active low and either open drain or CMOS push-pull. 26 PWM1 PWM Margin Output #1. High impedance when the margining is disabled. A 100% duty cycle implies this pin is continuously high. 27 PSEN1 Power-Supply Enable Output #1. Programmable through MFR_MODE for either active high or active low and either open drain or CMOS push-pull. 28 PWM0 PWM Margin Output #0. High impedance when the margining is disabled. A 100% duty cycle implies this pin is continuously high. 29 REG25 Regulator for Analog Circuitry. Bypass REG25 to VSS with 1FF and 10nF capacitors. Do not connect other circuitry to this pin. 30 PSEN0 Power-Supply Enable Output #0. Programmable through MFR_MODE for either active high or active low and either open drain or CMOS push-pull. 31 SDA I2C/SMBus-Compatible Input/Output 32 SCL I2C/SMBus-Compatible Clock Input 33 A0/MUXSEL SMBus Address 0 Input/Multiplexer Control Output. This dual-function pin is sampled on device power-up to determine the SMBus address; connect a 100kI resistor from this pin to either VSS or VDD to set the address. After device power-up, this pin becomes an output that acts as voltage/ current selector for an external analog multiplexer. MUXSEL is low for voltage measurements and high for current measurements. 34 FAULT Active-Low, Open-Drain Fault Input/Output. This pin is asserted when one or more of the power supplies in a global group are shut down due to a fault condition. Also, this pin is monitored and, when it is asserted, all power supplies in a global group are shut down. This pin is used to provide hardware control for power supplies in a global group across multiple devices. This output is unconditionally deasserted when RST is asserted or the device is power cycled. This pin has a 50Fs deglitch filter. 35 CONTROL Device Enable. Option through ON_OFF_CONFIG for active-low or active-high power-supply control. This pin has a 50Fs deglitch filter. 37 A1/PG SMBus Address 1 Input/Power-Good Output. This dual-function pin is sampled on device power-up to determine the SMBus address; connect a 100kI resistor from this pin to either VSS or VDD to set the address. After device power-up, this pin becomes an output that transitions high when all the enabled power supplies are above their associated POWER_GOOD_ON thresholds. 38 ALERT Active-Low, Open-Drain Alert Output |
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