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DS3065WP Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Maxim Integrated Products

Part # DS3065WP
Description  3.3V, 8Mb, Nonvolatile SRAM with Clock
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Manufacturer  MAXIM [Maxim Integrated Products]
Direct Link  https://www.maximintegrated.com/en.html
Logo MAXIM - Maxim Integrated Products

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3.3V, 8Mb, Nonvolatile SRAM with Clock
When the RTC register values match alarm register set-
tings, the alarm flag (AF) is set to 1.
The AE and ABE bits are reset to 0 during the power-up
transition, but an alarm generated during power-up sets
AF to 1. Therefore, the AF bit can be read after system
power-up to determine if an alarm was generated during
the power-up sequence. Figure 1 illustrates alarm timing
during battery-backup mode and power-up states.
Clock Accuracy
The DS3065WP and DS9034I-PCX+ are each individually
tested for accuracy. Once mounted together, the module
typically keeps time accuracy to within Q1.53 minutes
per month (35ppm) at +25NC and does not require
additional calibration. For this reason, methods of field
clock calibration are not available and not necessary.
The electrical environment also affects clock accuracy,
and caution should be taken to place the component in
the lowest level EMI section of the PCB layout. For addi-
tional information, refer to Application Note 58: Crystal
Considerations with Dallas Real-Time Clocks (RTCs).
Power-On Default States
Upon each application of power to the device, the fol-
lowing register bits are automatically set to 0: WDS = 0,
BMB[4:0] = 0, RB0 = 0, RB1 = 0, AE = 0, ABE = 0. All
other RTC bits are undefined.
Data-Retention Mode
The device provides full functional capability for VCC
greater than 3.0V and write protects by 2.8V. Data is
maintained in the absence of VCC without additional sup-
port circuitry. The NV SRAM constantly monitors VCC.
Should the supply voltage decay, the NV SRAM auto-
matically write protects itself. All inputs become don’t
care, and all data outputs become high impedance. As
VCC falls below approximately 2.5V (VSW), the power-
switching circuit connects the lithium energy source to
the clock and SRAM to maintain time and retain data.
During power-up, when VCC rises above VSW, the pow-
er-switching circuit connects external VCC to the clock
and SRAM and disconnects the lithium energy source.
Normal clock or SRAM operation can resume after VCC
exceeds VTP for a minimum duration of tREC.
Freshness Seal
When the DS9034I-PCX+ battery cap is first attached to
a DS3065WP base, the RTC oscillator is disabled and
the lithium battery is electrically disconnected, guaran-
teeing that no battery capacity has been consumed dur-
ing transit or storage.
When VCC is first applied at a level greater than VTP,
the lithium battery is enabled for backup operation. The
user is required to enable the oscillator (MSB of the
SECONDS register) and initialize the required RTC reg-
isters for proper timekeeping operation.
Figure 1. Battery-Backup Mode Alarm Waveforms

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