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SC16IS752 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
SC16IS752 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
14 / 59 page SC16IS752_SC16IS762_7 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved. Product data sheet Rev. 07 — 19 May 2008 14 of 59 NXP Semiconductors SC16IS752/SC16IS762 Dual UART with I2C-bus/SPI interface, 64-byte FIFOs, IrDA SIR 7.5 Interrupts The SC16IS752/SC16IS762 has interrupt generation and prioritization (seven prioritized levels of interrupts) capability. The interrupt enable registers (IER and IOIntEna) enable each of the seven types of interrupts and the IRQ signal in response to an interrupt generation. When an interrupt is generated, the IIR indicates that an interrupt is pending and provides the type of interrupt through IIR[5:0]. Table 6 summarizes the interrupt control functions. It is important to note that for the framing error, parity error, and break conditions, Line Status Register bit 7 (LSR[7]) generates the interrupt. LSR[7] is set when there is an error anywhere in the RX FIFO, and is cleared only when there are no more errors remaining in the FIFO. LSR[4:2] always represent the error status for the received character at the top of the RX FIFO. Reading the RX FIFO updates LSR[4:2] to the appropriate status for the new character at the top of the FIFO. If the RX FIFO is empty, then LSR[4:2] are all zeros. For the Xoff interrupt, if an Xoff flow character detection caused the interrupt, the interrupt is cleared by an Xon flow character detection. If a special character detection caused the interrupt, the interrupt is cleared by a read of the IIR. Table 6. Summary of interrupt control functions IIR[5:0] Priority level Interrupt type Interrupt source 00 0001 none none none 00 0110 1 receiver line status Overrun Error (OE), Framing Error (FE), Parity Error (PE), or Break Interrupt (BI) errors occur in characters in the RX FIFO 00 1100 2 RX time-out stale data in RX FIFO 00 0100 2 RHR interrupt receive data ready (FIFO disable) or RX FIFO above trigger level (FIFO enable) 00 0010 3 THR interrupt transmit FIFO empty (FIFO disable) or TX FIFO passes above trigger level (FIFO enable) 00 0000 4 modem status change of state of modem input pins 00 1110 5 I/O pins input pins change of state 01 0000 6 Xoff interrupt receive Xoff character(s)/special character 10 0000 7 CTS, RTS RTS pin or CTS pin change state from active (LOW) to inactive (HIGH) |
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