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A4988 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Allegro MicroSystems |
A4988 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - Allegro MicroSystems |
12 / 19 page DMOS Microstepping Driver with Translator and Overcurrent Protection A4988 12 Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. 115 Northeast Cutoff Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A. 1.508.853.5000; www.allegromicro.com 4988-DS Application Layout Layout . The printed circuit board should use a heavy ground- plane. For optimum electrical and thermal performance, the A4988 must be soldered directly onto the board. Pins 6, 7, 18, and 19 are internally fused, which provides a path for enhanced thermal dissipation. Theses pins should be soldered directly to an exposed surface on the PCB that connects to thermal vias are used to transfer heat to other layers of the PCB. In order to minimize the effects of ground bounce and offset issues, it is important to have a low impedance single-point ground, known as a star ground, located very close to the device. By making the connection between the pad and the ground plane directly under the A4988, that area becomes an ideal location for a star ground point. A low impedance ground will prevent ground bounce during high current operation and ensure that the supply voltage remains stable at the input terminal. The two input capacitors should be placed in parallel, and as close to the device supply pins as possible. The ceramic capaci- tor (CIN1) should be closer to the pins than the bulk capacitor (CIN2). This is necessary because the ceramic capacitor will be responsible for delivering the high frequency current components. The sense resistors, RSx , should have a very low impedance path to ground, because they must carry a large current while supporting very accurate voltage measurements by the current sense comparators. Long ground traces will cause additional voltage drops, adversely affecting the ability of the comparators to accurately measure the current in the windings. The SENSEx pins have very short traces to the RSx resistors and very thick, low impedance traces directly to the star ground underneath the device. If possible, there should be no other components on the sense circuits. VBB VDD 1 PAD A4988 C3 C6 R1 R2 R3 C1 C8 C2 C9 C7 RS2 RS1 R6 C4 OUT1B NC DIR REF STEP VDD OUT2B ENABLE CP1 CP2 VCP NC GND GND PCB Thermal Vias Trace (2 oz.) Signal (1 oz.) Ground (1 oz.) Thermal (2 oz.) Solder A4988 |
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