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PD64001H Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Microsemi Corporation |
PD64001H Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Microsemi Corporation |
7 / 14 page P PD D6644000011//H H 11--P Poorrtt P PooE E M Maannaaggeerr D Daattaasshheeeett C C O O M M P P A A N N Y Y C C O O N N F F II D D E E N N T T II A A L L Copyright © 2009 Microsemi Rev. 1.3 2009-02-23 Analog Mixed Signal Group 2381 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614, USA; Phone (USA): (800) 713-4113, (ROW): (949) 221-7100 Fax: (949) 756-0308 7 PD Operating Status LED1 LED2 IEEE802.3af – ON ON OFF IEEE802.3at – ON ON ON IEEE802.3af - OVL/SC Blink at 1Hz OFF IEEE802.3at - OVL/SC Blink at 1Hz Blink at 1Hz Vmain out of range Blink at 4Hz OFF Layout Design Guidelines (See Figure 3 for layout example) Isolation & Termination – as specified in the IEEE standard, certain isolation requirements need to be met in all PoE equipment. In addition, EMI limitations should be considered, according to FCC and European EN regulations. These requirements are taken into account by PoE switch vendors, while designing the switch circuitry. However, when a PoE device is integrated into a switch, special design considerations must be taken into account, due to the unique combination of Data and Power circuitries. The next paragraphs define these requirements and provide recommendations for their implementation, so as to assist designers in meeting those requirements and in integrating PoE Chipset. Isolation - As specified in the IEEE standard, 1500Vac rms isolation is required between the main board circuitry of the switch, including protective and frame ground and the PoE circuitry. Isolating the Stacked Modular Jack Assembly The IEEE standard requires 1500 Vrms isolation between PoE voltages and frame ground (EGND). Note that RJ-45 jack assemblies may have a metal cover that reach almost to the PCB surface. Proper traces clearance (at least 80 mils) are to be maintained between EGND traces for the RJ-45 modular jack assembly metal covering and adjacent circuit paths and components. To prevent 1500 Vrms isolation violation, it is necessary to provide layout clearances of PoE traces, on the top layer, in the vicinity of the RJ-45 connector assemblies. PoE Output Ports’ Filtering and Terminations: A switch normally creates a noisy environment. In order to meet the EMI requirements, good filtering and line terminations may be needed when connecting the PoE circuit outputs to the switch circuitry (see Figure 1). Note that in most PoE systems, it is recommended to use 0 Ohms resistors for R100 and R101. However, certain systems may benefit from the 75Ohm value. It is recommended that filtering provisions are utilized. A circuitry for the recommended filter includes: • A common mode choke for conducted EMI performances • Output differential capacitor filter for radiated EMI performances • Y-capacitive/resistive network to chassis Since each system is a unique EMI case, this circuit is a good starting point for EMI suppression. Out (+) Out(-) Port_ Pos Port_ N eg R100 R 10 1 C 100 C101 L100 C102 C103 Figure 1: Recommended EMI Filter Note For best EMI performance and to avoid additional noise accumulated on the lines between the filter and the port connectors, it is recommended to assemble this circuitry as close as possible to the port connectors. PoE circuitry Trace Clearance - PoE technology involves voltages as high as 57VDC. Thus, plan adjacent traces for 100V operational creepage. Operational creepage should be maintained to prevent breakdown between traces carrying these potentials. Locating PoE Circuitry in a Switch - Placement of the PoE circuitry must be as close as possible to the |
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Similar Description - PD64001H |
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