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PD64001H Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Microsemi Corporation |
PD64001H Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Microsemi Corporation |
6 / 14 page P PD D6644000011//H H 11--P Poorrtt P PooE E M Maannaaggeerr D Daattaasshheeeett C C O O M M P P A A N N Y Y C C O O N N F F II D D E E N N T T II A A L L Copyright © 2009 Microsemi Rev. 1.3 2009-02-23 Analog Mixed Signal Group 2381 Morse Avenue, Irvine, CA 92614, USA; Phone (USA): (800) 713-4113, (ROW): (949) 221-7100 Fax: (949) 756-0308 6 This ground plane should be 1500Vrms isolated from the PoE circuitry as well as the power supply for the PoE circuitry. The digital and analog grounds are electrically the same ground. However, in order to reduce noise coupling, the grounds are physically separated and connected only at a single point. 5V Regulator A single port application includes a 5V regulator (Vcc) fed by the Vmain through D1 and D3 Zener diodes and provides up to 25 mA used to power the CPU and peripheral components in the PoE domain. Using a 3% accuracy power supply for the PoE circuitry D1 and D3 should be selected according to the power supply nominal voltage set point using the following graph. D1 voltage plus D3 voltage as seen in the below graph, should be evenly divided between the two Zener diodes. If an adequate 5V power source is available, the 5V regulation circuitry can be removed and the Zener diodes may be replaced with lower current (5 mA) Zener diodes but with same voltage requirements. Detailed Application Description____________ (See Figure 2) The PD64001/H performs a multitude of internal operations and PoE functions, requiring a bare minimum of external components. The device is based on Atmel's ATtiny461 MCU. Each PD64001/H device handles one port. Figure 2 shows the device with its related components for a 1-port configuration. Mode Configuration - set by the resistor divider (R7/R8) tied in to the RMODE line. The values are fixed for each mode of operation and described in the "R Mode pin" section in this document. Line Detection Circuitry – when performing a line detection procedure, the PoE device utilizes certain voltage levels over the output port. These levels are produced by switched resistor dividers and sensed by the PD64001/H in order to confirm a valid PD connection. Current Loop Circuitry – the current is controlled by Q4 MOSFET. The PD64001/H provides PWM signal via pin#2 with a constant duty cycle (depending on the R mode configuration). This PWM signal is filtered and utilized as the current limit circuitry voltage reference. Sense Resistors – for each powered port, two 2-Ohm 2010 (1%) resistors connected in parallel (1-Ohm equivalent) are used in series with the output (R9, R11). In cases where the ambient temperature drops below 70 0C, or the product does not have to meet 802.3at power, a single 1-Ohm 2010 (1%) resistor is adequate. Classification Circuitry – Upon port investigation completion, the PD should be classified by its classification current signature. Two voltage levels are set over the port, derived from a reference voltage filtered from PD64001/H's pin#4 (PWM signal) and sent to an operational amplifier controlling Q4. Output port - The load resistance of the PD attached to the port is presented in parallel with R13. The resulting voltage developed across both resistances is monitored to establish the 802.3af/at compatibility. LED indication - The 1 port application may use the PD64001/H LED1 and LED2 pins for system status indications as shown below: R30 20K PD-1206 R31 1K Vmain R33 1K LED2 LED1 D10 Vcc Vmain_OK |
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