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ADP1871 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Analog Devices |
ADP1871 Datasheet(HTML) 24 Page - Analog Devices |
24 / 44 page ADP1870/ADP1871 Rev. 0 | Page 24 of 44 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION FEEDBACK RESISTOR DIVIDER The required resistor divider network can be determined for a given VOUT value because the internal band gap reference (VREF) is fixed at 0.6 V. Selecting values for RT and RB determines the minimum output load current of the converter. Therefore, for a given value of RB, the RT value can be determined through the following expression: V 6 . 0 V) 6 . 0 ( − × = OUT B T V R R INDUCTOR SELECTION The inductor value is inversely proportional to the inductor ripple current. The peak-to-peak ripple current is given by 3 LOAD LOAD I L I I K I ≈ × = Δ where KI is typically 0.33. The equation for the inductor value is given by IN OUT SW L OUT IN V V f I V V L × × Δ − = ) ( where: VIN is the high voltage input. VOUT is the desired output voltage. fSW is the controller switching frequency (300 kHz, 600 kHz, and 1.0 MHz). When selecting the inductor, choose an inductor saturation rating that is above the peak current level, and then calculate the inductor current ripple (see the Valley Current-Limit Setting section and Figure 79). 52 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 VALLEY CURRENT LIMIT (A) ΔI = 50% ΔI = 40% ΔI = 33% Figure 79. Peak Inductor Current vs. Valley Current Limit for 33%, 40%, and 50% of Inductor Ripple Current Table 8. Recommended Inductors L (μH) DCR (mΩ) ISAT (A) Dimensions (mm) Manufacturer Model Number 0.12 0.33 55 10.2 × 7 Würth Elek. 744303012 0.22 0.33 30 10.2 × 7 Würth Elek. 744303022 0.47 0.67 50 13.2 × 12.8 Würth Elek. 744355147 0.72 1.3 35 10.5 × 10.2 Würth Elek. 744325072 0.9 1.6 28 13 × 12.8 Würth Elek. 744355090 1.2 1.8 25 10.5 × 10.2 Würth Elek. 744325120 1.0 3.3 20 10.5 × 10.2 Würth Elek. 7443552100 1.4 3.2 24 14 × 12.8 Würth Elek. 744318180 2.0 2.6 22 13.2 × 12.8 Würth Elek. 7443551200 0.8 2.5 16.5 12.5 × 12.5 AIC Technology CEP125U-R80 OUTPUT RIPPLE VOLTAGE (ΔVRR) The output ripple voltage is the ac component of the dc output voltage during steady state. For a ripple error of 1.0%, the output capacitor value needed to achieve this tolerance can be determined using the following equation. (Note that an accuracy of 1.0% is possible only during steady state conditions, not during load transients.) OUT RR V V × = Δ ) 01 . 0 ( OUTPUT CAPACITOR SELECTION The primary objective of the output capacitor is to facilitate the reduction of the output voltage ripple; however, the output capacitor also assists in the output voltage recovery during load transient events. For a given load current step, the output voltage ripple generated during this step event is inversely proportional to the value chosen for the output capacitor. The speed at which the output voltage settles during this recovery period depends on where the crossover frequency (loop bandwidth) is set. This crossover frequency is determined by the output capacitor, the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor, and the compensation network. To calculate the small-signal voltage ripple (output ripple voltage) at the steady state operating point, use the following equation: []⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × Δ − Δ × × × Δ = ) ( 8 1 ESR I V f I C L RIPPLE SW L OUT where ESR is the equivalent series resistance of the output capacitors. To calculate the output load step, use the following equation: )) ( ( 2 ESR I V f I C LOAD DROOP SW LOAD OUT × Δ − Δ × Δ × = where ΔVDROOP is the amount that VOUT is allowed to deviate for a given positive load current step (ΔILOAD). |
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