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KA3842 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Wing Shing Computer Components |
KA3842 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Wing Shing Computer Components |
2 / 5 page Electrical characteristics (*VCC=15V, RT=10kΩ Ω, CT=3.3nF, TA=00C to +700C, unless otherwise specified) Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Reference Section Reference Output Voltege VREF TJ = 25°C, IREF = 1 mA 4.9 5.0 5.1 V Line Regulation ∆VREF 12V ≤ VCC ≤ 25 V 6.0 20 mV Load Regulation ∆VREF 1 mA ≤ IREF ≤ 20mA 6.0 25 Short Circit Output Current ISC TA = 25°C -100 -180 mA Oscillator Section Oscillation Freguency f TJ = 25°C 47 52 57 KHz Frequency Change with Voltage ∆f/∆VCCF 12V ≤ VCC ≤ 25 V 0.05 1.0 % Oscillator Amplitude V(OSC) 1.6 Vp-p Error Amplifier Section Input Bias Current IBIAS -0.1 -2 µA Input Voltage VI(E.A) V1 = 2.5V 2.42 2.5 2.58 V Open Loop Voltage Gain GVO 2V ≤ V0 ≤ 4V 65 90 dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 12V ≤ VCC ≤ 25 V 60 70 Output Sink Current ISINK V2 = 2.7V, V1 = 1.1V 2 7 mA Output Source Current ISOURCE V2 = 2.3V, V1 = 5V -0.5 -1.0 mA High Output Voltage VOH V2 = 2.3V, RL = 15KΩ to GND 5.0 6.0 V Low Output Voltage VOL V2 = 2.7V, RL = 15KΩ to PIN 8 0.8 1.1 Current Sense Section Gain GV (Note 1 & 2) 2.85 3.0 3.15 V/V Maximum Input Signal VI(MAX) V1 = 5V (Note1) 0.9 1.0 1.1 V Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR 12V ≤ VCC ≤ 25 V (Note 1) 70 dB Input Bias Current IBIAS -3.0 -10 µA Output Section Low Output Voltage VOL ISINK = 20 mA 0.08 0.4 ISINK = 200 mA 1.4 2.2 V High Output Voltage VOH ISINK = 20 mA 13 13.5 ISINK = 200 mA 12 13.0 Rise Time tR TJ = 25°C, CL = 1nF (Note 3) 45 150 nS Fall Time tF TJ = 25°C, CL = 1nF (Note 3) 35 150 Under −−Voltage Lockout Section Start Theshold VTH(ST) 14.5 16.0 17.5 V Min. Operating Voltage VOPR(min) 8.5 10 11.5 V (After Turn On) PWM Section Max. Duty Cycle D(MAX) 95 97 100 % Min. Duty Cycle D(MAX) 0 Total Standby Current Start −Up Current IST 0.17 0.3 mA Operating Supply Current ICC (OPR) V3 = V2 = 0V 14 17 Zener Voltage VZ 30 38 V * Adjust VCC above the start threshold before setting at 15V Note 1: Parameter measured at trip point of lath with V2=0 Note 2: Gain defined as A= ∆V1/∆V3 ; 0 ≤ V3 ≤ 0.8V Note 3: These parameters, although guaranteed, are not 100% tested in production. 2 KA3842A/KA3842AM |
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