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H5DU5182EFR-E3C Datasheet(PDF) 25 Page - Hynix Semiconductor |
H5DU5182EFR-E3C Datasheet(HTML) 25 Page - Hynix Semiconductor |
25 / 30 page Rev. 1.0 / Nov. 2009 25 1H5DU5182EFR H5DU5162EFR 20.tQH = tHP - tQHS, where: tHP = minimum half clock period for any given cycle and is defined by clock high or clock low (tCH, tCL). tQHS accounts for 1) The pulse duration distortion of on-chip clock circuits; and 2) The worst case push--out of DQS on one transition followed by the worst case pull--in of DQ on the next transition, both of which are, separately, due to data pin skew and output pattern effects, and p-channel to n-channel variation of the output drivers. 21. tDQSQ: Consists of data pin skew and output pattern effects, and p-channel to n-channel variation of the output drivers for any given cycle. 22. tDAL = (tWR/tCK) + (tRP/tCK) For each of the terms above, if not already an integer, round to the next highest integer. Example: For DDR266B at CL=2.5 and tCK=7.5 ns tDAL = ((15 ns / 7.5 ns) + (20 ns / 7.5 ns)) clocks = ((2) + (3)) clocks = 5 clocks 23. In all circumstances, tXSNR can be satisfied using tXSNR = tRFCmin + 1*tCK 24. The only time that the clock frequency is allowed to change is during self-refresh mode. 25. If refresh timing or tDS/tDH is violated, data corruption may occur and the data must be re-written with valid data before a valid READ can be executed. |
Similar Part No. - H5DU5182EFR-E3C |
Similar Description - H5DU5182EFR-E3C |
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