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LT6656AIS6-2.5TRPBF Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - Linear Technology |
LT6656AIS6-2.5TRPBF Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - Linear Technology |
8 / 12 page LT6656 6656f IL = 0 VOUT 10mV/DIV IL = 5µA 3.25V VIN 2.75V 5ms/DIV 6656 F07 Output Settling The output of the LT6656 is primarily designed to source current, but is capable of sinking current to aid in output transient recovery. The output stage uses a class B archi- tecture to minimize quiescent current, and has a typical crossover dead band of 6mV as the output transitions from sourcing to sinking current, and twice the deadband as the output transitions from sinking back to sourcing current. The settling time is typically less than 8ms for output loads up to 5mA, however the time required to settle when the load is turned off or in response to an input transient can be significantly longer. Settling time is dominated by the ability of the application circuit to discharge the output capacitor. Larger load currents decrease settling time. The settling time can be estimated by the following equation: Settling time 2(Deadband)(C ) I + 2ms L L ≈ The graph in Figure 6 shows the settling time versus load step with no load and with a constant 2µA load applied. Note the settling time can be longer with load steps that are not large enough to activate the sinking side of the output stage. The photo in Figure 7 shows the output response to a 0.5V input step in both a no-load and 5µA load condition. In the no-load condition only the bias current of the internal bandgap reference (about 400nA) is available to discharge the output capacitor. applicaTions inForMaTion Figure 5. Output Response to 0.5VP-P Step on VIN, CL = 1µF, IL = 0 Figure 7. Detailed Output Response to a 0.5V Input Step, CIN = CL = 1µF Output Noise Ingeneral,outputnoiseintheLT6656isproportionaltothe bandwidthoftheoutputstageandthereforeincreaseswith higherloadcurrentandloweroutputcapacitance.However, peaking in the noise response may be the dominant factor in determining the output noise level. Noise peaking can be reduced by increasing the size of the output capacitor when driving heavier loads, or conversely, reducing the size of the output capacitor when driving lighter loads. Noise plots may be found in the Typical Performance Characteristics section. Internal Protection The LT6656 incorporates several internal protection features that make it ideal for use in battery powered systems. Reverse input protection limits the input cur- rent to typically less than 40µA when either the LT6656 2.7V 2.5V VOUT 2.3V 3.25V VIN 2.75V 5ms/DIV 6656 F05 Figure 6. Output Settling Time to 0.05% vs Load Step LOAD STEP (mA) 6656 F06 0.001 1 10 0.1 0.01 VIN = 3V CL = 1µF ∆IL = LOAD STEP TO 2µA ∆IL = LOAD STEP TO ZERO ∆IL = ZERO TO LOAD STEP 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 |
Similar Part No. - LT6656AIS6-2.5TRPBF |
Similar Description - LT6656AIS6-2.5TRPBF |
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