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LT6656ACS6-2.5TRPBF Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Linear Technology |
LT6656ACS6-2.5TRPBF Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Linear Technology |
3 / 12 page LT6656 6656f elecTrical characTerisTics Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: If the parts are stored outside of the specified temperature range, the output may shift due to hysteresis. Note 3: The stated temperature is typical for soldering of the leads during manual rework. For detailed IR reflow recommendations, refer to the Applications section. Note 4: Temperature coefficient is measured by dividing the maximum change in output voltage by the specified temperature range. Note 5: Load regulation is measured with a pulse from no load to the specified load current. Output changes due to die temperature change must be taken into account separately. Note 6: Excludes load regulation errors. Note 7: Peak-to-peak noise is measured with a 3-pole highpass filter at 0.1Hz and a 4-pole lowpass filter at 10Hz. The unit is enclosed in a still-air The l denotes the specifications which apply over the specified temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VIN = VOUT + 500mV, CL = 1µF, IL = 0, unless otherwise noted. (Note 9) environment to eliminate thermocouple effects on the leads. The test time is 10 seconds. RMS noise is measured on a spectrum analyzer in a shielded environment. Note 8: Long term stability typically has a logarithmic characteristic and therefore, changes after 1000 hours tend to be much smaller than before that time. Total drift in the second thousand hours is normally less than one third that of the first thousand hours with a continuing trend toward reduced drift with time. Long-term stability will also be affected by differential stresses between the IC and the board material created during board assembly. Note 9: Hysteresis in output voltage is created by mechanical stress that differs depending on whether the IC was previously at a higher or lower temperature. Output voltage is always measured at 25°C, but the IC is cycled to the hot or cold temperature limit before successive measurements. For instruments that are stored at well controlled temperatures (within 20 or 30 degrees of operational temperature) hysteresis is usually not a dominant error source. PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Output Voltage Error LT6656A LT6656B –0.05 –0.10 0.05 0.10 % % Output Voltage Temperature Coefficient (Note 4) LT6656A LT6656B l l 5 12 10 20 ppm/°C ppm/°C Line Regulation VIN = (VOUT + 0.5V) to 18V l 2 25 40 ppm/V ppm/V Load Regulation (Note 5) ISOURCE = 5mA l 65 150 375 ppm/mA ppm/mA Dropout Voltage (Note 6) VOUT Error ≤ 0.1% ISOURCE = 0µA ISOURCE = 5mA l l 3 10 40 500 mV mV mV Supply Current l 0.85 1.0 1.5 µA µA Output Short Circuit Current Sourcing, Short VOUT to GND Sinking, Short VOUT to VIN 18 4 mA mA Input Reverse Leakage Current VIN = -18V, VOUT = GND 35 µA Reverse Output Current VIN = GND, VOUT = 18V 30 µA Output Voltage Noise (Note 7) 0.1Hz to 10Hz 10Hz to 1kHz 60 80 µVP-P µVRMS Turn-On Time 0.1% Settling 25 ms Long Term Drift of Output Voltage (Note 8) 50 ppm/√kHr Hysteresis (Note 9) ∆T = 0°C to 70°C ∆T = –40°C to 85°C 25 70 ppm ppm |
Similar Part No. - LT6656ACS6-2.5TRPBF |
Similar Description - LT6656ACS6-2.5TRPBF |
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