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CLE334E Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Clairex Technologies, Inc |
CLE334E Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Clairex Technologies, Inc |
1 / 1 page Clairex Technologies, Inc. 1301 East Plano Parkway Plano, Texas 75074-8524 Phone: 972-265-4900 Fax: 972-265-4949 www.clairex.com CLE334E Very High Output Aluminum Gallium Arsenide Quad Chip IRED Array electrical characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) symbol parameter min typ max units test conditions PO Power output (6) - 25 - mW IF = 100mA VF Forward voltage - 1.0 1.9 V IF = 100mA IR Reverse current - - 10 µA VR = 5V λP Peak emission wavelength - 850 - nm IF = 100mA BW Spectral bandwidth at half power points - 35 - nm IF = 100mA ΘHP Emission angle at half power points - 100 - deg. IF = 100mA tr Radiation rise time - 20 - ns IF(PK) =100mA, f =1kHz, D.C. = 50% tf Radiation fall time - 40 - ns IF(PK) =100mA, f =1kHz, D.C. = 50% Clairex Technologies, Inc. August, 2003 ® ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) features • 850nm wavelength • TO-46 with epoxy-dome lens • very wide emission angle • > 10MHz operation • cathode connected to case description The CLE334E is an advanced, high efficiency, high speed, AlGaAs infrared-emitting diode with four times the emitting surface of the typical AlGaAs emitter. High power output is achieved with four equally spaced anode contacts for higher current distribution. Anodes contacts are bonded in pairs, each pair bonded to a separate lead. Chip size is 0.030” by 0.030”. The TO-46 header provides the thermal environment for reliable operation over a wide temperature range. absolute maximum ratings (TA = 25°C unless otherwise stated) storage temperature ...................................................................... -40°C to +125°C operating temperature ................................................................... -40°C to +100°C lead soldering temperature (1) ......................................................................... 260°C continuous forward current (2)(4) ..................................................................... 500mA peak forward current (1.0ms pulse width, 10% duty cycle) .................................. 4A reverse voltage .................................................................................................... 5V continuous power dissipation (3).................................................................... 500mW notes: 1. 0.06” (1.5mm) from the header for 5 seconds maximum 2. Derate linearly 5.33mA/°C from 25°C free air temperature to TA = +100°C. 3. Derate linearly 5.33mW/°C from 25°C free air temperature to TA = +100°C. 4. Operation at this level requires a proper heat sink.. Clairex reserves the right to make changes at any time to improve design and to provide the best possible product. 1.00 (25.4) min. 0.019 (0.48) 0.016 (0.41) 0.147 (3.73) 0.137 (3.48) ANODE CATHODE 0.010 (0.25) nom 0.213 (5.41) 0.207 (5.26) 0.100 (2.54) pin circle 0.130 (3.30) max 0.050 (1.27) max 0.169 (4.29) 0.163 (4.14) Case 5 Anode leads must be externally connected together. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) (connected to case) 0.100 (2.54) dia. pin circle Revised 3/15/06 |
Similar Part No. - CLE334E |
Similar Description - CLE334E |
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