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MAX16068 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Maxim Integrated Products

Part # MAX16068
Description  6-Channel, Flash-Configurable System Manager with Nonvolatile Fault Registers
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Manufacturer  MAXIM [Maxim Integrated Products]
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6-Channel, Flash-Configurable System Manager
with Nonvolatile Fault Registers
A master device communicates to the MAX16068 by
transmitting the proper address followed by command
and/or data words. The slave address input, A0, is
capable of detecting four different states, allowing mul-
tiple identical devices to share the same serial bus. The
slave address is described further in the Slave Address
section. Each transmit sequence is framed by a START
(S) or REPEATED START (Sr) condition and a STOP (P)
condition. Each word transmitted over the bus is 8 bits
long and is always followed by an acknowledge pulse.
SCL is a logic input, while SDA is an open-drain input/
output. SCL and SDA both require external pullup resis-
tors to generate the logic-high voltage. Use 4.7kI for
most applications.
Bit Transfer
Each clock pulse transfers one data bit. The data on
SDA must remain stable while SCL is high (Figure 6);
otherwise, the MAX16068 registers a START or STOP
condition (Figure 7) from the master. SDA and SCL idle
high when the bus is not busy.
START and STOP Conditions
Both SCL and SDA idle high when the bus is not busy.
A master device signals the beginning of a transmission
with a START condition by transitioning SDA from high to
low while SCL is high. The master device issues a STOP
condition by transitioning SDA from low to high while
SCL is high. A STOP condition frees the bus for another
transmission. The bus remains active if a REPEATED
START condition is generated, such as in the block read
protocol (see Figure 1, SMBus Timing Diagram).
Early STOP Conditions
The MAX16068 recognizes a STOP condition at any point
during transmission except if a STOP condition occurs in
the same high pulse as a START condition. This condition
is not a legal SMBus format; at least one clock pulse must
separate any START and STOP condition.
A REPEATED START can be sent instead of a STOP
condition to maintain control of the bus during a read
operation. The START and REPEATED START conditions
are functionally identical.
Figure 6. Bit Transfer
Figure 7. START and STOP Conditions

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