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MAX941 Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
MAX941 Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
8 / 14 page Output Stage Circuitry The MAX941/MAX942/MAX944 contain a current-driven output stage as shown in Figure 4. During an output transition, ISOURCE or ISINK is pushed or pulled to the output pin. The output source or sink current is high during the transition, creating a rapid slew rate. Once the output voltage reaches VOH or VOL, the source or sink current decreases to a small value, capable of maintaining the VOH or VOL static condition. This signifi- cant decrease in current conserves power after an out- put transition has occurred. One consequence of a current-driven output stage is a linear dependence between the slew rate and the load capacitance. A heavy capacitive load will slow down a voltage output transition. This can be useful in noise- sensitive applications where fast edges may cause interference. __________Applications Information Circuit Layout and Bypassing The high gain bandwidth of the MAX941/MAX942/ MAX944 requires design precautions to realize the comparators’ full high-speed capability. The recom- mended precautions are: 1) Use a printed circuit board with a good, unbro- ken, low-inductance ground plane. 2) Place a decoupling capacitor (a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor is a good choice) as close to V+ as possible. 3) Pay close attention to the decoupling capacitor’s bandwidth, keeping leads short. 4) On the inputs and outputs, keep lead lengths short to avoid unwanted parasitic feedback around the comparators. 5) Solder the device directly to the printed circuit board instead of using a socket. High-Speed, Low-Power, 3V/5V, Rail-to-Rail, Single-Supply Comparators 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________ VOH tLPW OUT tLPD tPD V+ 0V V+ 0V V+ 2 V+ 2 VOL LATCH DIFFERENTIAL INPUT VOLTAGE VOS tH tS Figure 2. MAX941 Timing Diagram with Latch Operator |
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