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AT45DB081D Datasheet(PDF) 27 Page - ATMEL Corporation

Part # AT45DB081D
Description  8-megabit 2.5-volt or 2.7-volt DataFlash
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Manufacturer  ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.atmel.com
Logo ATMEL - ATMEL Corporation

AT45DB081D Datasheet(HTML) 27 Page - ATMEL Corporation

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Based on JEDEC publication 106 (JEP106), Manufacturer ID data can be comprised of any number of bytes. Some manufacturers may have
Manufacturer ID codes that are two, three or even four bytes long with the first byte(s) in the sequence being 7FH. A system should detect code
7FH as a “Continuation Code” and continue to read Manufacturer ID bytes. The first non-7FH byte would signify the last byte of Manufacturer ID
data. For Atmel (and some other manufacturers), the Manufacturer ID data is comprised of only one byte.
14.2 Operation Mode Summary
The commands described previously can be grouped into four different categories to better
describe which commands can be executed at what times.
Group A commands consist of:
1. Main Memory Page Read
2. Continuous Array Read
3. Read Sector Protection Register
4. Read Sector Lockdown Register
5. Read Security Register
Group B commands consist of:
1. Page Erase
2. Block Erase
3. Sector Erase
4. Chip Erase
5. Main Memory Page to Buffer 1 (or 2) Transfer
6. Main Memory Page to Buffer 1 (or 2) Compare
7. Buffer 1 (or 2) to Main Memory Page Program with Built-in Erase
8. Buffer 1 (or 2) to Main Memory Page Program without Built-in Erase
9. Main Memory Page Program through Buffer 1 (or 2)
10. Auto Page Rewrite
Group C commands consist of:
1. Buffer 1 (or 2) Read
2. Buffer 1 (or 2) Write
3. Status Register Read
4. Manufacturer and Device ID Read
Group D commands consist of:
1. Erase Sector Protection Register
2. Program Sector Protection Register
3. Sector Lockdown
4. Program Security Register
If a Group A command is in progress (not fully completed), then another command in Group A,
B, C, or D should not be started. However, during the internally self-timed portion of Group B
commands, any command in Group C can be executed. The Group B commands using buffer 1
should use Group C commands using buffer 2 and vice versa. Finally, during the internally self-

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