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AT45DB081D Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
AT45DB081D Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
15 / 54 page 15 3596L–DFLASH–04/09 AT45DB081D 9.1.1 Erase Sector Protection Register Command In order to modify and change the values of the Sector Protection Register, it must first be erased using the Erase Sector Protection Register command. To erase the Sector Protection Register, the CS pin must first be asserted as it would be with any other command. Once the CS pin has been asserted, the appropriate 4-byte opcode sequence must be clocked into the device via the SI pin. The 4-byte opcode sequence must start with 3DH and be followed by 2AH, 7FH, and CFH. After the last bit of the opcode sequence has been clocked in, the CS pin must be deasserted to initiate the internally self-timed erase cycle. The erasing of the Sector Protection Register should take place in a time of tPE, during which time the Status Register will indicate that the device is busy. If the device is powered- down before the completion of the erase cycle, then the contents of the Sector Protection Regis- ter cannot be guaranteed. The Sector Protection Register can be erased with the sector protection enabled or disabled. Since the erased state (FFH) of each byte in the Sector Protection Register is used to indicate that a sector is specified for protection, leaving the sector protection enabled during the erasing of the register allows the protection scheme to be more effective in the prevention of accidental programming or erasing of the device. If for some reason an erroneous program or erase com- mand is sent to the device immediately after erasing the Sector Protection Register and before the register can be reprogrammed, then the erroneous program or erase command will not be processed because all sectors would be protected. Figure 9-2. Erase Sector Protection Register Command Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Erase Sector Protection Register 3DH 2AH 7FH CFH Opcode Byte 1 Opcode Byte 2 Opcode Byte 3 Opcode Byte 4 CS Each transition represents 8 bits SI |
Similar Part No. - AT45DB081D_09 |
Similar Description - AT45DB081D_09 |
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