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EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Datasheet(PDF) 31 Page - Elpida Memory |
EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Datasheet(HTML) 31 Page - Elpida Memory |
31 / 50 page EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Preliminary Data Sheet E0878E10 (Ver. 1.0) 31 Write command to Write command interval 1. Same bank, same ROW address: When another write command is executed at the same ROW address of the same bank as the preceding write command, the second write can be performed after an interval of no less than 1 clock. In the case of burst writes, the second write command has priority. CLK Command DQ in B3 Address in B1 in B2 BS ACT Row Column A WRIT WRIT Column B in A0 in B0 Bank0 Active Column =A Write Column =B Write Burst Write Mode BL = 4 Bank 0 WRITE to WRITE Command Interval (same ROW address in same bank) 2. Same bank, different ROW address: When the ROW address changes, consecutive write commands cannot be executed; it is necessary to separate the two write commands with a precharge command and a bank active command. 3. Different bank: When the bank changes, the second write can be performed after an interval of no less than 1 clock, provided that the other bank is in the bank active state. In the case of burst write, the second write command has priority. CLK Command DQ in B3 Address in B1 in B2 BS ACT Row 0 Row 1 ACT WRIT Column A in A0 in B0 Bank0 Active Bank3 Active Bank0 Write Bank3 Write WRIT Column B Burst Write Mode BL = 4 WRITE to WRITE Command Interval (different bank) |
Similar Part No. - EDS1232ECBH-9ATT |
Similar Description - EDS1232ECBH-9ATT |
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